Mentee Zone

Matching with a mentor

Once your application has been accepted (see ‘how to apply’), you will be matched with a mentor who is as close to the business area you aspire to as possible. For example, if you wish to be a Finance Director, we will try to match you with a Finance Director. If this is not possible (as it depends on the expertise of our pool of mentors) we will match you with someone who has the expertise or direct connections with the expertise that you wish to be exposed to.

Our mentors are all senior, professional people. All of them have mentored before and most also undergo some specific mentor training with us. If you would like to see the mentors' handbook, the slides from their training and their Code of Ethics, visit the ‘mentor zone’.

Once matched, you will meet your mentor on the first get-together session. You and your mentor will need to read and complete the mentoring agreement. You will then meet monthly either face to face or on Teams and meet the wider mentoring team every 2 months on campus for some additional CV, interview and career support.

If you sign up for the mentoring scheme, you will be expected to meet your mentor individually once a month and as a group 4 times (which includes the first group meeting where you meet your mentor.)

Mentoring agreement

Here is an example of the IoD Mentor Agreement (Word doc 17k)

Please read this agreement as it lays out the expectations of the scheme. Signing the agreement demonstrates your commitment to meeting your mentor regularly; having an open and honest, respectful, professional relationship; acting professionally at all times and so on.

This is the only paperwork that we ask you and your mentor to sign and share with us. 

You will work on other documents with your mentor, such as an action plan, your CV, application forms for jobs and so on, however we do not need to see these. Your meetings with your mentor are confidential and you do not need to disclose exactly what you have discussed. From time to time we will ask for your feedback about your progress - how little or much you would like to share is up to you.

Questions or concerns?

If you have any queries, worries or concerns about the IoD Student Mentoring Scheme, please contact the Mentoring Coordinator, Jenni Jones on