Previous Years

Never been to SciFest before? Not sure what SciFest is or what to expect? Have a browse through the past couple of years of SciFest! 

SciFest 2023

The Wolf statue in the courtyard on City Campus, in front of a sign reading LIFE AND SCIENCE and a number of tents
Spot the Boston Dynamics robot dog performing in front of three young children
The skull of a giraffe next to a board of mounted butterflies, small photographs and two plush monkeys
Spot the Boston Dynamics robot dog, flanked by a row of people in costume as characters from Marvel Comics, 2000AD and Star Wars
Two people in Star Wars costumes standing under a SciFest banner

SciFest 2022

A student in blue school uniform looking through a microscope outside the Alan Turing building
A student wearing blue school uniform in the City Campus courtyard, inspecting an anatomical figure
Spot the Boston Dynamics robot dog being displayed for students in uniform
A student in uniform investigating the Forensics SciFest table
A crowd of students perusing the various tents at SciFest
A banner reading LIFE AND SCIENCE posted in the courtyard on City Campus
A student in uniform inspecting the tyres of a racing car