Karen Dowd

MA Digital and Visual Communications


 This feminist inspired work utilises tights generously donated by local women and uses these intimate textile body items, with multiple associations from sexy to serviceable, to creatively explore political elements regarding women’s bodies and lives. The process of corresponding with, and often meeting the women who donated hosiery is a key element, these relational relationships stand in stark contrast to the transactional relationships which dominate contemporary culture, adding poignancy to this work. Many women demonstrated further interest, asking for information and/or photographs of work in progress and for notification upon completion with photographs of the final work. This continuing involvement was a surprising and appreciated additional aspect in developing this work.

This production of textile bodies and free form experimentation employs handicrafts often associated with women. The knitted artwork symbolic of elements of women’s lives, each conjoining loop/connection a metaphor for shared but different experiences. The creation of full rounded breasts and torsos, acknowledges and celebrates women’s strength, reproductive potential and power.

Women’s intimate body clothing is reimagined and reshaped in both abstract and literal form in this artist’s work.