Ceri Cahill

MA Digital and Visual Communications


“Eternal Recurrence”
Paper Sculpture

As a mixed media artist, Ceri adapts her talents and using carefully chosen materials
and processes, aims to convey her message effectively, usually with an element of
satirical humour.

Often politically motivated, Ceri is a keen surveyor of the daily chicanery of Parliamentary process. With all colours of the political spectrum accountable, the new government just offers more opportunities for scrutiny. For a very long time it has been a rich source of inspiration and is “ the gift that keeps on giving.”

Favouring mixed media and digital collage process of late, Ceri has also enjoyed experimenting with more three dimensional material and methodology. The creative possibilities of kirigami are multifaceted and the simplest variation of colour, paper or display can portray a totally different meaning.

‘Eternal Recurrence’ is an unusually subtle piece, inspired by a Karl Marx quote regarding history constantly repeating. The ancients Greeks deeply debated it and it continues to be a topic of discussion. Friedrich Nietzsche, revived the theory in the 19th century, which despite its doom-laden clairvoyance, is given a lighter meaning here.