Seun Balogun

"I’m an Aspiring Journalist and I’d like to describe myself as a Jack of all trades with regards to 'Multimedia' and 'Journalism'. I am particularly keen on writing. However, with the convergence of Journalism and how content is consumed today, you’ll find me dabbling between video content creation to audio content creation whilst still finding a way with my words hoping to keep audiences engaged and properly informed."

I have had a wonderful 3years on this course – learning the ins and outs of what being a Journalist is all about. From getting hands on with the many equipment’s at our disposal, to networking and having the opportunity to meet and speak with people from different walks of life.
This course has given me many opportunities to really hone my skillset when producing Newsworthy content ranging from photography, video ,audio, and written content.

The many amazing opportunities this course provided me with has also given a boost to my personal portfolio. I have been able to produce media for the RAF museum to writing a feature article with Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club and much more.

I have been able to understand that a key aspect to the journalism field is putting yourself out there and though it took quite sometime for me to realise this – I feel a strong sense of accomplishment regarding this especially in my final year as I was able to really get to grips with how amazing networking really is as I was able to produce content for and with some amazing local events from Wolverhampton to Birmingham.

Honestly speaking, it has been an amazing three years and I look forward to what the future may have in store for me - working in the field of Multimedia Journalism.

My portfolio

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