Nichola Hanson-Jones

"I'm a disabled photographer based in Dudley, West Midlands. My background in psychology and therapeutic counselling fuelled my love for people. While working as a therapist, I discovered the powerful and healing aspects of creative activities, especially photography. The human experience is what truly draws me in as an artist, and I primarily explore this theme through portraiture. I have had the privilege of showcasing my work in the first open call exhibition for Women in Photography Birmingham and have been featured in publications like Artist Close-up and Off-town magazine. I was also the winner of Spaceplay’s 2023 competition celebrating the iconic School of Art building."

Nichola is a socially engaged photographer who uses digital photography to capture deep visual narratives that reveal the inner complexities of her subjects. Nichola is committed to helping raise the voice of underrepresented communities, particularly disabled and visually impaired artists, raising awareness around inclusivity issues within art education and the wider art industry. Through portraiture, Nichola showcases strength, resilience, and the vast creativity that exists beyond the perceived limitations surrounding disability. Her work invites viewers to recognise the extraordinary beauty and potential within every individual.

My portfolio

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