"Despite facing isolation and depression during Covid lockdown 2020, this West Midlands native returned to education in her 50s to pursue her passion for the arts and study a BA (HONS) in Fine Art. Three years later, she is now about to graduate. Kerry’s final year at university has been heavily influenced by Street Art and Graffiti. Her photography combines Pop Art sensibilities using modern day digital cut and paste, with the gritty appeal of street scenes. Her photomontages sometimes include architecture using Wolverhampton's iconic buildings against a backdrop of graffiti, creating visual narratives that are both edgy and optimistic."

Greetings from the vibrant and rebellious streets of Wolverhampton! I'm Keri J Hunt, a photographer and photomontage artist who thrives on the electrifying pulse of urban life, particularly the untamed spirit of graffiti. My journey into street photography began about a decade ago in the gritty, colourful corners of Heathtown, where I first encountered the audacious world of graffiti artists. Their fearless expression and defiance against the norm struck a chord within me, and I knew I had to capture this raw energy through my own lens.

My latest series, “Street Kunst,” is a playful yet poignant homage to the anti-establishment ethos of graffiti. Drawing inspiration from the irreverent flair of Dadaism and the bold vibrancy of Pop Art, I aim to infuse my work with a touch of humour and a dash of political commentary. Let's face it, there's nothing quite as satisfying as poking fun at the powers that be, especially when it's done with a cheeky grin and a spray can.

In “Street Kunst,” you'll find a kaleidoscope of urban narratives, where the mundane meets the extraordinary and where every wall tells a story. Each photograph is a testament to the rebellious spirit that refuses to be silenced, celebrating the unsung heroes of the streets with a wink and a nod. So, take a stroll through my gallery and let the vibrant chaos transport you to a world where art knows no boundaries and laughter is the ultimate act of defiance.

My portfolio

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