Kathleen Milton

"Art has always been psychologically nurturing and an outlet I have naturally been drawn to from a young age. Coming to university really has allowed me to lean more into my practise and personal journey with art. Being a young mother, I have really gained a strong understanding for the importance of creativity and the arts as a whole."

My name is Kathleen Milton, and I am an artist based in the West Midlands currently in my final year of a Fine Art degree at the University of Wolverhampton.

Art has continually been a psychologically nurturing outlet for me from adolescence through to adulthood. Currently my interests have settled on expressing this psychological nurturing supported by research into spirituality and cognitive function. Ultimately collating my personal journey with the arts. This makes it continually stimulating and exciting for me as it is a personal journey which I can portray and feel throughout every stage in my practise and life as an artist and human. My practise holds a personal but equally relatable quality in that it provokes the viewers perception to gain a cognitive response.

My medium of choice is paint, exclusively oil. I find painting to be more intentional as every stroke is consciously carried out. I have a fascination with fabric and drapery within my works holding symbolism and referencing the renaissance and some religious characteristics. Upon discovering the ideas and thoughts around veiling, I discovered that in doing so, it corresponds to a surrealist interest in what lies beyond or beneath concealed surfaces.

Personally, I find myself delving down philosophical routes and enjoying reading the likes of John Locke, Aristotle and Jean Piaget. Whereas philosophers and thinkers don’t necessarily fuel my practise entirely, they open my outlook and understanding and allow me to delve deeper into human understanding. I like to eliminate what the conscious mind can depict within my works, using veils and fabrics, for my audience to focus on what the inside of the work is like without wholly relying on physical cues.

Artists that have been particularly poignant in my development include Rene Magritte, Michael Borremans and Inka Essenhigh.

My portfolio

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