Jennifer Smith

"Jennifer smith specialises in beauty photography and hopes to work in the advertising industry. She has studied at Wolverhampton school of art for four years. Her main influences are photographers such as Peter Lindbergh and Derek Boshier. Jennifer has had her work published in many magazines and online platforms. Jennifer uses digital format to create stunning editorial images in her studio based practise. Jennifer combines her passion for meeting people with her knowledge of studio lighting to create powerful images. Jennifer not only creates published magazines she has been featured in but she also conceptualises the whole shoot. Jennifer wanted to create a series on the history of brows on how we are so fixated in our appearance how technology has so many different apps where we can change parts of our face or even body how we are not pleased in our true beauty or selves. Jennifer wanted to create a advertising piece as we all get captured into shop windows and have to have that specific look, I feel we are a want it nation and have to blend in and make sure we look the part. Jennifer has looked at many history of trends of eye brows to even bold and bling in your face"

Jennifer smith specialises in beauty photography and hopes to work in the advertising industry. She has studied at Wolverhampton school of art for four years. Her main influences are photographers such as Peter Lindbergh and Derek Boshier. Jennifer has had her work published in many magazines and online platforms. Jennifer uses digital format to create stunning editorial images in her studio based practise. Jennifer combines her passion for meeting people with her knowledge of studio lighting to create powerful images. Jennifer not only creates published magazines she has been featured in but she also conceptualises the whole shoot. Jennifer wanted to create a series on the history of brows on how we are so fixated in our appearance how technology has so many different apps where we can change parts of our face or even body how we are not pleased in our true beauty or selves. Jennifer wanted to create a advertising piece as we all get captured into shop windows and have to have that specific look, I feel we are a want it nation and have to blend in and make sure we look the part. Jennifer has looked at many history of trends of eye brows to even bold and bling in your face. Jennifer wanted to create a eclipse jewelled brow. Even work with different models and have three together which was a challenge. Jennifer feels passionate into her work and hope others will love her work. it comes across where it speaks all about the evolution of brows, and gets into the advertising and marketing industry where she sees herself, Jennifer is hoping to be going into an ma in university to develop more of her practise and also collaborate with many more models and client based connections that hopefully will open doors. Jennifer has had her work shown in the NAC last year showcasing sustainability her project was called autumnal decaying which was about sustainability. Jennifer loves nothing but to help others achieve their dreams and loves networking with others. Jennifer loves working with all different diverse models and has helped on the fashion shoot at university to find models. Jennifer also did lots of workshops before university to keep working on her profession.

Jennifer has worked with Atlantis agency in their models to Zebedee talent and Model talent UK, including make up artists Lucy Frogratt and Amy Dyas and Lily Winfied. Jennifer has also volunteered with undergraduate prospectus as voluntary assistant holding lights for the Wolverhampton university. Jennifer has done headshots for prosper magazine the black commerce been twice taking photographs. Jennifer had happily helped Eve Whitfield who was a degree student taking photographs for her portfolio for street arts where she took photographs of Eve and Goldie with Eve's work. Also been featured in the BBC Wolverhampton website and also have took photographs for Kerri Hunt who also is a fine art student on her final degree who has also been featured in street arts with arch creatives same company. Jennifer loves working in the public sector.

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