"Hi, I'm James, a mature student who returned to finish his degree in Film and Television, after a 8-year gap and I came back to prove to my daughters that you can do anything you set your mind to, so I came back and finished my last 2 years of University. I hope that I can use my degree to build a better future for my family and can get into the industry I love so much."

In all of my work, I take a small piece of myself or experiences I have lived through and warp this into a story. It may not always be visible or leave the audience wondering why, but it's always there. In the films I have made here, it's very visible as when I was younger, I suffered from mental health and that battle but thankfully overcame it, and wanted to encourage others who are suffering to step out of their comfort zone and seek help. Then with "Tell Daddy You Love Him", is very personal to me as I have split custody of my eldest daughter, but thankfully I have her for half of the week and her mother the other half, but others aren't so lucky, so I wanted to create a piece that would spread awareness and maybe some dads and moms can relate with.

My portfolio

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