"Hunter Deorum is an artist based in the West Midlands. Drawing upon combined multimedia, Hunter has developed a practice that uses colour, clinical analysis and psychodynamics as an engine for generating works of art. From multimedia installations to smaller-scale works, commissions also form part of his practice. Influenced by the concept of the ‘self’ found within the writings of Plato, Hunter applies this notion to his work, allowing the audience to reflect upon conventional relationships between form, colour, object and environment. With this, his practice seeks to investigate the psychological makeup of the self and earthly world. Hunter Deorum is a primarily immersive artist, offering a unique experience. His work is designed to evoke a contemplative exploration of the self and often-overlooked details of life."

Hunter Deorum is a multimedia artist whose talents span beyond illustration, graphic design, and animation, making him a unique and compelling figure in contemporary art. His work weaves together elements from various disciplines to create immersive, emotionally resonant experiences.

Central to Deorum’s artistic philosophy is the integration of parasocial theory. This psychological concept, which describes one-sided relationships where an individual feels a deep connection with a media figure, serves as a cornerstone for his work. Deorum leverages parasocial theory to create art that fosters a sense of intimacy and personal engagement. Through his characters and narratives, he invites audiences into a space where they can form emotional bonds, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. His illustrations and animations often feature characters that exude warmth and approachability, encouraging viewers to see them as friends or even allies.

Moreover, poetry plays a pivotal role in Deorum’s artistic process, serving as both inspiration and content. His graphic designs often incorporate lyrical elements, blending visual and verbal language to evoke deeper meanings and emotions. The interplay between text and image in his work creates a rhythm that guides the viewer’s eye and mind, much like a poem guides a reader through its verses.

Psychological science is another critical influence on Deorum’s art. His fascination with human cognition, emotion, and behaviour informs the themes and execution of his projects. Deorum’s illustrations frequently explore concepts such as identity, memory, and perception, encouraging viewers to reflect on their own psychological experiences. In his animations, he utilizes principles of visual perception and cognitive psychology to craft scenes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also psychologically engaging. Each piece he creates is a dialogue between disciplines, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of discovery and connection. His art challenges conventional boundaries, offering a fresh perspective on how multimedia can be used to explore and express the complexities of the human experience.

In essence, Hunter Deorum’s work is a celebration of the interplay between mind, emotion, and art. Through his use of illustration, graphic design, and animation, Deorum continues to push the boundaries of contemporary art, crafting works that are not only visually stunning but also meaningful.

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