Deanna Morgan

"As a photographer, I find inspiration in the dynamic energy of live music and the meticulous detail of forensic investigation. I love to capture the raw emotion of musicians on stage, freezing moments of passion and intensity in time. Every concert I go to I take as many pictures as possible to remember the nights again. Conversely, my fascination with forensics informs my approach to composition and storytelling. I seek to uncover hidden narratives and fragments of truth within each frame, exploring the interplay between light and shadow, revealing stories waiting to be told."

Deanna strives to be a powerful voice for those who have been silenced by abuse. Deanna’s haunting imagery and stark symbolism confront the viewer with uncomfortable truths, challenging societal norms and perceptions. Each photograph captures moments of vulnerability and strength in equal measure, bearing witness to the resilience and survival of those who have faced abuse. By exposing both the visible and invisible scars of survivors, Deanna hopes to provoke reflection and dialogue, fostering empathy and understanding. Her lens serves as a tool for empowerment, offering a window into the lives of survivors and amplifying their voices in a world that often ignores their pain.

My portfolio

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