Callum Burgess

"Since beginning the couse in September 2021 I've had aspirations of becoming a journalist primarily based in football. This still remains the case while taking part in newsdays has led to me becoming more openminded with the routes I'd be looking to take after I've completed the course, but I'm looking forward to what the future holds while I hope to start making some content of my own."

Over the past three years I've thoroughly enjoyed my time on the BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism course. I've been able to develop a variety of journalistic skills and it's fuelled the fire for what I want to go on and achieve in the future and in my career. From going out to find and record stories for newsdays, experiencing what it's like to work within media at local football stadiums and going out using equipment from the media store it's been a learning experience that I've enjoyed. In my showreel you can learn about some of the stories that I've produced over the duration of my course and can also see some of the work that I created when on work experience.

My portfolio

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