Amelia Payton

"My name is Amelia Payton, I am 23 years of age and I’m artist working mostly in oil and acrylic painting. Outside of my artistic practice I am a figure skating competitor and working currently as a coach. My love for art does find its way into my sporting life too as I now compete in artistic figure skating categories where choreography and artistic interpretation is the basis for the sport. To follow along with my artistic and sporting journeys please follow my Instagrams @painter.mills and @skater.mills."

My practice focuses on a brightly coloured, poppy exploration of abstracted self-portraiture. This concept of abstracted self portraiture allows for a much deeper, raw and vulnerable look within. The core of my practice is centred around my battles with the idea of perfection, all influenced by my personal experiences with OCD.

The majority of my practice comprises of acrylic painting, using visual composition references to painting styles such as dutch still life and modern fashion house photography. I am consistently drawn to the use of naturalistic imagery, using the repetition of butterflies, birds, fruits and eyes throughout the majority of my pieces. I stay connected to the concept of perfection through the constant referencing to Adam and Eve. ‘Eve’ has been crucial to both my personal journey with the idea of perfection and also to the journey that my practice has taken over the years by delving straight into concepts of sin and femininity. I take most of my inspiration from surrealist art, leading with the classics such as the work of Dali to the more commercial work from the works of the fashion house of Schiapperelli.

My arts education really began with studying fine art at the Royal School of Wolverhampton, I then took two years away from education as we experienced the pandemic, returning to education by starting my bachelors degree in fine art at the School of Art Wolverhampton in 2021. The pandemic allowed for a period of intense self reflection influencing the early stages of my idea of abstracted self portraiture. I have felt privileged to recently exhibit my work in shows such as the Degree show at the Wolverhampton School of Art, Salon Hangs and Exhibitions at the NAC; I have also exhibited my work at the Wolverhampton Art Gallery in the earlier stages of my practice

My portfolio

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