That's Me!

Eliminating barriers to postgraduate research study
That’s Me Project

University of Wolverhampton is proud to partner with Birmingham City University to deliver "That's Me! Eliminating Barriers to Postgraduate Research Study in the West Midlands," a highly prestigious project funded by the UKRI and Office for Students as part of a nationwide programme to widen participation in postgraduate research.

Welcome to That's Me!

At the heart of our mission, the "That's Me!" project is dedicated to dismantling the multifaceted barriers that hinder Global Majority students from accessing Postgraduate Research (PGR) opportunities in the West Midlands.

Proudly funded by the Office for Students and Research England under the "Improving Access to and Participation in Postgraduate Research Study (PGR) for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic Students" funding stream, our focus is on three pivotal, professional, and practice-based disciplines: Allied Health Professions, Education, and Business and Law. (link to faculty)

These areas are essential across numerous sectors and, as of the 2019/20 HESA data, encompass 20% of all Postgraduate Research students, with less than a quarter from the Global Majority community.

Our goal? To spearhead impactful change and increase access in these critical fields.

Our Objectives:

  1. Cultural and Processual Transformation: We aim to foster a welcoming and inclusive university culture at UoW and BCU, thereby building a strong pipeline of Global Majority PGR students through significant cultural and procedural reforms.
  2. Community and Career Development: In collaboration with Global Majority students, communities, employers, and regional government bodies, we're crafting and implementing targeted strategies to enhance research career opportunities for Global Majority PGRs.
  3. Educational Resources: By providing open-access educational resources, we address the glaring gaps in sectors where a research degree is crucial, enhancing the academic and professional landscape.
  4. Evaluative Strategies: Our commitment to success includes implementing a rigorous ongoing evaluation strategy, underpinned by solid methodology and ambitious KPIs, ensuring our interventions are impactful.
  5. Inclusive Access Pathways: We're dedicated to creating sustainable access for historically marginalized learners, employing co-created, innovative methods with potential for wide application across the HEI sector.

Tailored Interventions:

Understanding that our students come from diverse backgrounds and stages in their academic journeys, we tailor our interventions to suit undergraduates, postgraduate taught students, and Global Majority professionals eager to embark on PGR studies.

Our Consortium

Recognizing the need for systemic change, we've united a powerful regional consortium of 14 employers, policy-makers, and networks committed to fostering diversity, supporting our students, and co-creating a brighter future.

Our Work Streams

We are delivering the project through 9 work streams

 Pathways and Barriers to Global Majority PGR Recruitment

Overhauling Internal Processes for Inclusive Global Majority PGR Engagement

Addressing Perceptions and Assumptions in Global Majority Community Access to PGR

 Employer Engagement and Support Initiatives for BAME PGR Student

Reverse Mentoring Program Implementation

Establish a Community of Practice for Global Majority Doctoral Researchers

Pre-research degree



Our partners

Get Involved

LinkedIn: That's Me

Twitter: @ThatsMePGR


We welcome your questions and collaborations; please contact Loreal Stokes, Project Manager,