Coal and Community


Thanks to Martin Shakeshaft - for permission to use his photograph of Penrhiwceiber pit in the header banner for this website.

Other images used are from:

Casgliad y Werin Cymru/People's Collection Wales

National Mining Museum Scotland

Coal News, digitised by the National Mining Museum England

Science Museum Group Collection

RC18-0370 Tower Colliery © Crown Copyright: Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales © Hawlfraint y Goron: Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru

Roger Muggleton

Simon Chapman

North Notts Newspapers 

Grace Millar


Derek Dye

John Harwood

Chris Allen

National Union of Mineworkers (South Wales Area)

Rab Wilson

Robin Stewart Smith

Wakefield Express (with digitsation from Wakefield Libraries)