Databases access for students on Distance Learning courses

If you are a distance learning student in the UK you have access to the following databases. To access them you will need a University of Wolverhampton IT account.

If you are studying outside the UK however, some databases are not available to you, due to licensing restrictions. Please check the licence terms listed for each resource.

If you need any help, or want to ask us a question, please contact us via Library Assist

Leading UK agency for supporting artists' practice. Includes A-N Magazine.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Offering the latest business and financial information for researchers at all levels. It includes in-depth coverage for over 3,730 publications, with more than 2,670 available in full text.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Full text access to Association for Computing Machinery journals and conference papers from 1985 to the present.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Contains the complete backfiles of 23 journals published by the American Chemical Society between 1879 and 1995.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

An online interactive educational resource on human anatomy. Access is available to 3D Atlas a perfect tool for understanding structure and function of the human body, with detailed anatomical text covering every structure and Anatomy & Physiology providing comprehensive foundations in function from gross to microanatomy - 20-topic systemic resources filled with interactive models and animations, as well as case studies, clinical content and quizzing.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The British Library Sound Archive, one of the world's largest sound archives, offers a ground-breaking online digital resource of sound recordings reflecting the broad spectrum of its holdings.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Please note that this resource is currently unavailable due to the issues with British Library services.
The Archives Hub brings together descriptions of thousands of the UK’s archive collections. Representing over 330 institutions across the country, the Archives Hub is an effective way to discover unique and often little-known sources to support your research. New descriptions are added every week, often representing collections being made available for the first time.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Art & Architecture Source covers a broad range of related subjects, from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. Providing over 600 full-text journals, more than 220 full-text books, and a collection of over 63,0000 images, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

A fully searchable commercial image bank of over 100,000 art images aimed at providing images for publishers, advertising, web sites, etc.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Art UK is the online home for every public art collection in the UK.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Provides immediate free access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Medical journals. (Note: not all titles are subscribed).

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A selection of nursing and health related handbooks.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an on demand TV and radio service for education.
It allows staff and students to record programmes from over 65 free-to-air channels, and search an extensive archive.
You may only access or use BoB in the United Kingdom.

Access: Students and staff and Partner staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at international partner institutions and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The British Association for the Advancement of Science contains an aggregation of collections from the BAAS as well as archives contributed by a number of UK universities which are complementary to the BAAS collection. It embodies the organized and successful efforts of the British scientific community to transform science from a self-funded endeavour of the wealthy into a government-funded professional activity at the centre of social and economic development.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Cartoon cuttings and original artwork.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Provides access to thousands of images from the British Library collections which include manuscripts, rare books and maps spanning almost 3000 years.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Please note that this resource is currently unavailable due to the issues with British Library services.
Provides up-to-date, practical guidance on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Information on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines to children.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

The British Pharmacopoeia (BP) is the official collection of standards for UK medicinal products and pharmaceutical substances. Produced by the British Pharmacopoeia Commission Secretariat of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, the BP makes a valuable contribution to public health by setting publicly available standards for the quality of medicines.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

BSOL is the online standards database giving access to over 55,000 up-to-date British, adopted European and International standards.

There is a security feature embedded within PDF documents from British Standards Online. This means that if you want to download and print a document, you will be required to install the FileOpen plug-in on your device before you can open them. Use the More Information link for full details. The ability to read standards online in BSOL remains unaffected.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

The world's leading resource for the study of newsreels and cinemagazines

Access: Students and staff and Partner staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at international partner institutions and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

Newspapers and news pamphlets from the 17th and 18th century. Mostly published in London - but includes some English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, and a few examples from the American colonies, Europe and India.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Business Source Complete contains premium content of peer-reviewed, business related journals. Included as part of the comprehensive coverage are indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals, dating back as far as 1886. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Access to Cambridge University Press peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences and science, technology and medicine. Digitised backfiles are also available.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A service allowing you to search for the meaning of abbreviations for English language legal publications, from the British Isles, the Commonwealth and the United States, including those covering international and comparative law.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None, home of the ESRC Census Programme, provides a one stop gateway to data and support services which allow users and researchers in UK Higher and Further Education to access the 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 UK censuses. Registration required.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 34 million structures from hundreds of data sources.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Comprehensive source of information for nurses, and allied health professionals providing fast and easy access to top journals, evidence based care sheets, quick lessons and continuing education modules. (Upgraded from CINAHL Plus to CINAHL Ultimate in September 2023)

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Reliable and up-to-date information on the effects of interventions in health care.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

CIS provides full-text access to current regulations, standards and industry news for architects, designers, engineers, quantity surveyors and health and safety staff. It includes British Standards referenced in building regulations, JCT contracts, CIBSE documents, legislative and compliance regulations, Eurocodes, UK National Annexes and Non-contradictory Complimentary Information (NCCI).

Please note: When using this link, your name and University email address are sent to IHS Markit in order to create your account. You can find their privacy policy here: and

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The world’s largest collection of open access research papers. It provides free to read access to over 76 million full text papers harvested from institutional, subject and preprint repositories as well as gold and hybrid open access journals.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Provides an outline of the law that affects the practice of pharmacy in Great Britain.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full and accurate bibliographical records for nearly 200 titles, all the known books of travel published in Britain and Ireland by women between 1780 and 1840.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Image and reference database with more than 4000 projects from the architecture magazine, DETAIL. Each project described in the database is accompanied by a DETAIL project document which can be downloaded as a PDF.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Online maps and mapping data of Great Britain, at a series of pre-defined scales; includes collections from Ordnance Survey and Landmark. A registration form will need to be completed when a user accesses Digimap for the first time; this takes two working days to process, before Digimap can be used.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A digital library of plays and reference works, as well as a source of expert guidance in the form of scholarly notes, annotated texts, critical analysis and contextual information. Includes content from Methuen Drama, Faber and Faber, The Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury Publishing, and The Victoria and Albert Museum.
Please note: Access to this resource will cease at the end of February 2025

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Early English Books Online contains page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere between 1473 and 1700.
The historical documents span a wide array of materials from Bibles, prayer books, royal statutes, proclamations, and military, religious and other public documents through to almanacs, musical exercises, calendars, broadsides, periodicals and newsbooks. This includes works by major authors such as Shakespeare, Malory, Spenser, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton and Galileo.
The current size of the collection is over 147,000 works and more than 17 million pages.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Full text e-books from ProQuest

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text ebooks from EBSCO

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A broad range of full text and bibliographic databases hosted by EBSCO.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Major editions, printings and adaptions of Shakespeare's works from the First Folio to modern day.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education, and testing. Education Research Complete provides indexing and abstracts for more than 2,100 journals, as well as full text for more than 1,200 journals, and includes full text for nearly 500 books and monographs.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Access to over 3000 ebooks across a variety of subjects. Full text access ends august 2025.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is U.S. database indexing over 1.6 million education journals, literature and resources. Backed by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it also includes over 750,000 full-text sources.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A database from the British Library offering full-text access to PhD theses from the majority of British universities. Theses not immediately available for download can be digitised to order. You will need to register with the site to view content.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Please note that due to an issue at the British Library, EThOS is currently unavailable. We do not have a timeframe for when this will be fixed.
EUR-Lex provides free access to European Union law and other documents considered to be public.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

EUROPA is the portal site of the European Union ( It provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources, covering over 40 million publications, preprints and other documents.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The European Commission web site.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The material included in the Historic Newspapers collection has been provided by a number of libraries across Europe. Much of the content is in the public domain but some remains under copyright. Please seek the written permission of the contributing library before reproducing, distributing or commercially exploit any material from this collection.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

(Formerly UK Newsstand). Full text access to a collection of archived, searchable European, British national and regional newspapers, updated daily.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Financial database of UK and Irish public and private companies, containing current and historical information on approximately 200,000 companies.

Fame has been updated with a new improved interface. The old interface will no longer be available.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Includes: Burney Newspaper Collection, Nineteenth-Century British Library Newspapers, Nineteenth-Century UK Periodicals & The Times Digital Archive

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Provides a simple way to search for scholarly literature. Includes journal articles, theses, books, abstracts. Links to possible full-text sources are appended to some references: "Wolverhampton Uni Links"; these do not produce full text in every case

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Focuses on the impact of humans on the environment, covering global warming, sustainable agriculture, green building and renewable energy.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Full text access to this newspaper archive via ProQuest Historical Newspapers

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Part of the LexisNexis Butterworth service. Comprehensive and authoritative narrative treatment of the law of England and Wales.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

Collection of law and law-related material covering four centuries of mainly US law research. Collections include the Law Journal Library and US Supreme Court Library and are all image-based and fully searchable. The Law Journals Library contains 888 full text journals from first issues, with increasing current and UK coverage.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Historic Digimap delivers Landmark historic Ordnance Survey maps of Great Britain.
The historic maps can be viewed on-line, printed and downloaded as images for use in image processing and GIS software.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text journals, books and other published sources, covering all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Full text civil engineering journals published by the Institution of Civil Engineers from 1836 to the present.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

IET Journals span all areas of engineering and technology - electrical, electronics, computing, control, biomedical and communications technologies.
Current journal titles are now fully Open Access, allowing immediate and free access.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

IngentaConnect is a website that hosts scholarly books and journals from a range of different publishers. Millions of articles, chapters and reports are available, access to full text is available by pay-per-view or by subscription to individual publications.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Evaluates and measures the impact of leading journals based on citation data.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A selection of nursing and health related journals. Full text access is limited to University subscribed titles only.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

The largest, free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs). Alerts you when new issues of journals that you follow are published.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Part of Lexis Library. Access to a library of English and Scots law, including full text statutes and statutory instruments.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database is the official revised edition of the primary legislation of the United Kingdom made available online. (Previously the UK Statute Law Database)

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Access to an extensive set of full text legal resources, including UK Cases and Legislation, Halsbury's Laws of England, Forms & Precedents and UK Journals.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

Full text access to a collection of archived, searchable British national and regional newspapers, updated daily. Includes The Times (London) from July 1985 to present.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

A leading online resource for the study and teaching of literature in English. It combines the texts of over 355,000 literary works with a vast library of key criticism and reference resources (Service limited to 10 concurrent users).

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

MEDLINE with Full Text provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. It provides full text for 1,470 journals indexed in MEDLINE.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Mintel supplies independent research on UK consumer markets. Reports are written by experts in each sector.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Bibliographic citations to journal articles, books, and dissertations from 1963. Covers language, literature, folklore, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Online video resource for architects, civil engineers, planners and surveyors.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Contains full runs of 48 influential national and regional newspapers of the 19th century

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

When complete this collection will make available full runs of nearly 600 titles, containing an estimated six million pages of nineteenth-century journalism, fully searchable, sourced from the British Library, the National Library of Scotland and other specialist libraries.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text from leading nursing journals.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Over 60,000 ebooks in the areas of computing, mathematics and engineering alongside thousands of audiobooks and video content.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

The Oxford English Dictionary Online allows the vast OED database to be searched by word or phrase. Results give the historical context.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Research journals from Oxford University Press. With most titles, content from 1996 onwards is only available if the University has a current subscription. But earlier content, from Vol.1, Issue 1, is available via the Online Archives.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

This online market research tool monitors industry trends and gives you strategic analysis and a market size and market share database for all your products across all your key countries. Passport is Euromonitor International's global market analysis software platform, which analyses the industry in countries around the world.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The JISC collection is a subset of 80 full text journal backfiles in the arts, humanities, and social sciences from Periodicals Archive Online. Dating from 1891 to 2000.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

From Lexis. For law practitioners in the field of personal injury.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and only UK based distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions, and distance learners outside the UK cannot access this database

A broad range of full-text and bibliographic databases hosted by ProQuest.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

Large full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 600 journals.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Information on the optimal and rational use of medicines, to improve the quality of life for people with mental health needs.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Extensive bibliographic coverage of the international literature on psychology and allied fields. This is not a full text resource.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

PubMed is a free resource providing access to more than 36 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. This is not a full text resource however you can use the click "Free full text" on the filter sider bar to narrow results to resources that are available for free on the web. Please note that if you want to create a personal account you will need to sign up using one of the 3rd party logins listed on their page.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Full text coverage of U.S. regional business publications from 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

SAGE offers journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine. Full text access is limited to University subscribed titles only.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

ScienceDirect provides access to the scientific, technical and medical journals of Elsevier and participating publishers.
It contains more than 16 million articles, 2,500 journals, 250 full open access journals, 39,000 books and 330,000 topic pages.

For a complete list of our subscribed titles, click the "More information" link.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

SciFinder is a research discovery application that provides unlimited access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of references, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature with more than 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and arts and humanities.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

AI search tool for scientific research papers.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A comprehensive sociology research database, featuring over 1,600,000 records and full text of over 253 "core" coverage journals. Part of the EBSCO Host research databases.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals. One of the EBSCO Host databases - linked from near the bottom of the EBSCO Host menu.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

SpringerProtocols is the world's largest database of life sciences protocols that allow scientists to recreate experiments in their own laboratories.

The documents provide written procedural methods in the design and implementation of experiments that describe the safety, bias, procedures, equipment, statistical methods, reporting, and troubleshooting standards needed to successfully conduct the experiment.

Access is available for Protocols between 1980-2012.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The online platform for Taylor & Francis Group journals. Full text access is limited to University subscribed titles only.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

TES provides access to over 900,000 teacher-made resources to help teachers succeed in the classroom including access to TES Magazine, formerly known as the Times Education Supplement. The TES site supports the English national curriculum and other English language curricula including International Baccalaureate and Cambridge International in UK and international schools. It is one of the largest professional digital communities, connecting and supporting more than 13 million educators globally.

PLEASE NOTE: To access TES you will need to register for an account using your University email address. See our FAQ for details on how to register -

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

A full-text facsimile of more than 200 years of The Times, 1785-2019. With over 12 million articles available, the archive supports research across multiple disciplines and areas of interest, including business, humanities, political science, and philosophy, along with coverage of all major international historical events.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

This resource contains over 1,500 periodicals drawn from the holdings of major libraries and research collections, including the Imperial War Museums and the British Library. Published by every type of military and support service unit, from every involved nation, trench journals were a means of expression through which men and women engaged in all aspects of World War I could share their thoughts and experiences.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Searchable full text Parliamentary papers.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

The UK data archive (UKDA) is curator of the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in the United Kingdom. The collection includes over 5,000 datasets relating to contemporary and historical society with data acquired from the academic, public, and commercial sectors. UKDA also provides guidance and training on how to manage, store and share data.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Provides access to the UK's largest collection of social, economic and population data for research and teaching purposes.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Boundary maps of the UK to download.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The online resource for visual arts

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Unlimited access to core texts on your module reading lists.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Access to a wide range of texts to support your studies.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

An archive of Vogue magazine (US edition) in full color page image format, from the first issue in 1892 to the present, with monthly updates for new issues.

Access: Students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner staff at all sites cannot access this database

Web of Science is a research platform that provides access to an extensive range of reference and citation data from academic journals, conference proceedings, and other documents in various academic disciplines.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

The Wellcome Trust has made its vast collection of images depicting 2000 years of medicine and mankind available for free under a Creative Commons Licence. This allows users to copy, distribute and display the images, provided the source is fully attributed and it is used for non-commercial purposes.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Free access to Welsh newspaper articles, provided by the National Library of Wales

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Cases and statutes, administrative materials, law reviews and treatises, attorney profiles, news and business information.

Access: Students and staff based at University of Wolverhampton campuses and all distance learners with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: Partner students and staff at UK and international partner institutions cannot access this database

WGSN is the leading fashion and style forecaster, predicting the cultural climate months in advance.

Please note: When using this link, your name and University email address are sent to WGSN in order to create your account. You can find their privacy policy here:

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None

Electronic journals. Full text access is limited to University subscriptions only.

Access: All students and staff with a University of Wolverhampton login can access this database

Restrictions: None