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Online Resources and Support


Though the library buildings are closed there is still a huge wealth of online resources and learning support accessible from the library webpages and Canvas.

From the Library webpages 

Go to the Subject Resources section where you can access a wide range of key electronic resources, databases and websites in your subject area.

Here are a few tools to get you started:

  • LibrarySearch allows you to search across thousands of resources including ebooks, journals, articles using keywords (e.g. title or author) or you can set a filter, such as eBooks, Articles, Journals, eTheses.
  • Go to the A-Z database page to find journal articles, reports and other materials specific to your subject. If you don’t know which databases to use, don’t worry, just go to the Subject Page and select your course.
  • E-books
  • Use BrowZine journal library to find thousands of academic journal articles to keep up to date with the latest publications in your field. You can build a personal collection, which syncs across mobile devices and get alerts of new articles. Download the app
  • NEW: Open Access Resources
  • NEW: We’re extending our digital library collection even further to include thousands more ebooks and eTextbooks for you whilst you study at home.

(Tip: log in to e-resources with your University username and password.)

Study Skills online

If you’re not sure where to start with finding information, planning an assignment, or referencing take a look at our Skills for Learning study guides.  More helpful information and resources are available at

In Canvas

Your course leader should have created a reading list for your module in Canvas, which will link you directly to the key texts.  (If you don’t see a list, you’ll be prompted to contact your head of department.) Some of these will be physical resources, so we’re working with your course leaders to add additional e-resources.  

The Skills for Learning Canvas topic holds a range of resources to help develop essential skills. 

We are here for you!


Whilst face to face teaching has been suspended, workshops and 1-2-1 teaching will continue virtually, in Canvas. Book onto the workshops.

Online Chat

If you need help please use our online chat tool: ASSIST anytime 24/7 (staffed by our friendly library team daily 9 am–5 pm, and librarians from other institutions out of hours). 

During the Easter weekend (Friday 10 April – Tuesday 14 April incl) ASSIST will be answered by a Librarians at other institutions. Any outstanding enquiries will be referred back to us on Wednesday 15 April.


You can also email general enquiries to; or skills enquiries to

Emails over the Easter weekend will be responded to from Wed 15 April. 

Follow us

We will keep you updated and post useful study tips and advice on our social channels. Follow us on:


If you wish to recommend an alternative title that is available as an e-book for your module reading list, or you would like the Library to try and source an alternative title that is accessible, then do get in contact with our Liaison Team:

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.