
Unlimited access to core texts on your reading lists at University of Wolverhampton

The University library makes a large annual investment in eTextbooks, to ensure students are provided with access to digital copies of many of the Essential texts from their reading lists* saving them money while improving equity of access to key learning materials.

This investment enables students to:

  • Have personal, digital access to essential textbooks
  • Read anytime, anywhere
  • Go directly to specific extracts or chapters
  • Bookmark pages of interest and search for keywords inside the text
  • Select important passages of the textbook and make notes and highlights in colours you like
  • Use read aloud or translate tools to aid your understanding of the text

*Not all Essential Reading items are available as eTextbooks. Where we can’t provide an eTextbook the Library will try to provide suitable alternatives.

How to use eTextbooks

The Leganto team can be contacted on if you would like to discuss additional training options.


Find out more about how eTextbooks can support you by expanding these options

Students are increasingly expecting flexibility in how they approach their studies and require reading materials that better match their needs in a blended learning environment. eTextbooks offer the opportunity for students to have their own digital copies of key texts which they can personalise for the duration of the academic year, rather than relying on traditional eBook models which may have limited licences and restricted functionality. Prior to the eTextbook programme, UoW students would commonly experience turnaways or long reservation queues at peak times. In addition, some publishers' titles simply weren't available in an academic eBook format which meant students had to rely on print copies from the Library.

Where appropriate, the Library attempts to source eTextbooks for key titles marked as Essential Reading on module reading lists. Should you require a title that we haven't already got in the library collection, simply add it to the appropriate Leganto reading list, tag it as Essential reading (remembering that there is an advisory limit of 5 Essential items per module) and click Send List. Please contact the Leganto team on if you need any assistance with this, or if your module has additional resourcing implications (e.g. distance learning or University of Wolverhampton Online).

The library will then seek to  purchase an Unlimited User ebook or enter this book into the eTextbook programme, so students have individual copies or - failing that - will buy print copies at an approximate ratio of 1 copy per 10 students. The Leganto team will contact you if sourcing the book is likely to be problematic.

Academic staff can access eTextbook titles:

  • via module reading lists in Canvas where eTextbooks have been added
  • via LibrarySearch


Troubleshooting and further help

Your first port of call if you have any queries about eTextbooks and how they integrate with your module resources should be the Leganto team (