Digital Badges

Digital Badges are self-directed courses that reward you for your learning.

What are badges?

The University of Wolverhampton is at the beginning of an exciting project to introduce digital badges across the university.

For a brief explanation of these badges, watch the video below from Joe Carey, Skills for Learning Manager and co-ordinator of the Digital Badges project:

Badges are self-directed courses to work through at a pace that suits you. Once you’ve completed a course, you’ll be awarded a digital badge which you can share on portfolio websites such as LinkedIn – a great way to enhance your employability!

 Here are the badges currently available:

We are developing more badges across the university, so keep an eye out for updates.

To see your ‘backpack’ of badges, you’ll need to log into this page with your usual student details. Want to start sharing your badges on Linkedin and other platforms? Here's some guidance on how to get started.