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Library refurbishment hits key safety and recycling targets


The University of Wolverhampton Estates and Facilities team is celebrating after hitting some key recycling and safety targets during the refurbishment of its Harrison Library.

The project has recycled 95% of its waste and an Ad Hoc safety visit recently was rated at 91%. 

The University of Wolverhampton has invested £1.6 million in refurbishing its library facilities at its City Campus in Wolverhampton. 

A portrait of Estates and Facilities Manager Adrian Jones in Harrison Library

Adrian Jones, Senior Project Manager in Estates and Facilities at the University, said: "We were really pleased that this project has shown some impressive recycling numbers and that we have delivered the project which is fully compliant with health and safety legislation. 

“We’ve been able to recycle 86% of materials off-site including carpet tiles which have been taken away and will be repurposed and we have managed to reupholster some of the furniture. 

“In terms of health and safety, we’ve had three independent visits over the course of the works and have achieved over 90% which is a really high score, not often achieved on construction sites.” 

Work started at the beginning of summer to completely refurbish the ground and third floor of the Harrison Library, which has included creating a brand new, accessible Student Life Centre to house frontline help and support for students including giving them direct access to mental health and wellbeing, disability and inclusion, financial support, safeguarding, skills for learning and support to study. 

After taking on board student feedback about how the facilities can be improved there will be improved independent and group study areas on the ground floor with new furniture and zoning, a fully refreshed silent study area on the third floor, and improvements to the IT Lab. There will be more plug sockets, better signage, more screens and planting to create calm, relaxing and private spaces. 

A new Skills for Learning Zone will complement additional meeting rooms enabling the academic skills support team to work alongside other academic support teams. 

A group of Overbury workmen in Harrison Library working on the refurbishment

The work is being carried out by Overbury and the new, improved library will be ready when students return to campus in late September with the Student Life Centre open by mid-October.

The Clearing hotline number is 01902 323 232 for anyone looking for courses starting in September and to find out more about our Open Days, visit our website.  

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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