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Recovery near you mobile unit coming to City Campus

Recovery near you mobile unit coming to City Campus

Wolverhampton's Recovery near you service will arrive at City Campus on Monday, 4 April 2022 and will be based in the Courtyard for the whole week. The aim is to offer staff and students an opportunity to learn more about the service, what they offer and how they support community members.   

Recovery near you is a confidential service for anyone concerned about their own drinking or drug use or someone else's. They can provide access to the information, advice, support whether it's for you, a family member, a friend, someone you care for, or someone you work with. 

The Recovery near you team is also there to speak to anyone interested in a career within this specialist area or to anyone who desires to find out more and increase their awareness. 

There will be interactive activities, resources offering support and information, as well as an opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have without any need for you to fill in any forms or approach the service within the city centre. This space is also available if you require somewhere discreet and confidential to discuss any concerns. 

This work also supports the University's recently launched Student Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy, where working in partnership is a key pillar. 

The University's Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Working Group are working in collaboration with several community partners to develop ways of connecting resource and opportunities for the benefit of staff and students. It was identified that substance use is an area where there is a need for increased awareness and accessibility and employability opportunities. 

Clare Dickens MBE, Academic Lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing at the University, said;   

“Many people may reflect that their relationship with drugs or alcohol has changed over the last two years. The isolation and stressors associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, and the changes to the ways in which we study and work, may have resulted in increased, or a different pattern to our substance use. You will note that I opt to not use the term misuse, as I don’t think it’s easy or indeed right to offer a clearly defined threshold between the terms use, and misuse, which would encapsulate something meaningful for everyone.  

“For some people, craving alcohol but not consuming it is a relationship they want to address as it threatens their goal of abstinence. For one person, drinking 4 units of alcohol per week is too much for them, for others, drinking 14 units per week is a limit they can manage and balance. But how many of us can hand on heart say we know how many units of alcohol are in one bottle of wine? How many of us know how to monitor and safely reduce our alcohol intake? it’s this baseline of awareness I believe as many of us as possible should possess.   

I am delighted that we have been able to arrange for Recovery Near You to attend our City Campus. I really hope our students will take the opportunity to go and meet some of the team, and like I did, that they consider spending a chunk of their career in this specialist area, that in partnership, makes a tangible difference to people’s lives”   

Christopher Gettins – a third-year Mental Health Nursing student, said;

“I am currently on placement with Recovery Near You, and I have been looking forward to this opportunity for months now. The service has a reputation amongst students for offering diverse and inclusive placement learning opportunities, who are right at the heart of the communities in which many of us work, study, and navigate our lives. I have learnt so much already. I would encourage any student or staff member to pop along and meet the team, they will instantly put you at ease and respond to any query you have.”   

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