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Paramedics teach life saving skills at outreach event

photo montage of paramedics teaching life saving skills at community outreach event

University of Wolverhampton students and staff paramedics teach vital life support skills to global majority community at outreach event aimed at improving health equity. 

On a sunny Sunday afternoon the Warstones Busy Building Community Centre in Wolverhampton hosted an event aimed at teaching basic life support to members of the Asian and ethnic minority community.  Staff and students from the paramedic team were invited as part of an initiative to help to improve health outcomes and promote inclusivity in healthcare education. 

The primary objectives of the event were to:

  • empower people from Asian and global majority groups with life-saving skills
  • raise awareness about the importance of immediate response in medical emergencies
  • foster strong relationships with our local community
  • encourage diversity and representation in healthcare professions.

The afternoon was structured into several interactive sessions; each designed to maximise engagement and learning. 

Welcome and Introductions: The event began with a warm welcome from the members of the community centre and Dr Abhishek Gupta Senior Lecturer from the School of Pharmacy, within the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), who facilitated the event and translated in Hindi and Punjabi, highlighting the importance of basic life support and the impact timely intervention can have on survival rates. 

Demonstration: Using mannequins, Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science, Neil Smith, and four paramedic students demonstrated chest compressions and rescue breaths to deliver effective skills. 

Hands-on practice: Participants were divided into small groups, each led by staff and student paramedics providing guidance and feedback. 

Q & A: An interactive session followed where attendees could ask specific questions about basic life support. This session aimed to dispel myths and provide clarity on health-related concerns specific to Asian and global majority groups. Attendees shared their experiences of losing loved ones in scenarios that were similar to those presented on the day to Caroline Short Senior Lecturer in Mental Health (Allied Health dept) and were signposted to appropriate services for ongoing support. 

The outreach event not only equipped members of the community with life-saving skills but also highlighted the importance of inclusive education. 

This event set a precedent for future initiatives aimed at promoting health equity and empowering communities with the knowledge and skills needed to save lives. 

paramedics teaching life saving skills at community outreach event

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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