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What do children have to say about their environment?


Hear Dawn Jones discuss what children have to say about their environment in The Voice of Early Childhood Podcast. Dawn Jones Senior Lecturer Early Childhood Studies smiling wearing a colourful dress

Dawn Jones, programme lead and senior lecturer in Early childhood studies, shares findings on a CREST funded research project closely working with young children in gaining their reflections on spaces and places within shared worlds.

The accompanying article reflects upon the voices of reception aged children and focus upon what they have to say about their environment. Drawing upon a recent research project between the University of Wolverhampton and Trinity Saint Davids, the article explores how listening to young children, their ideas and thoughts may challenge current approaches to the embedding of sustainability within the early years.

It discusses the possibilities of 'what it might look like' if we consider embracing a more robust approach to sustainability. It therefore considers how the embedding of the sustainable development goals within early years could be driven through differing pedagogical approaches in practice.

Describing her involvement with the project, Dawn said: "I was the project lead for a research project entitled What I really think about sitting straight, golden time and reward charts: Gathering 4-year-olds views on behaviourist pedagogy in reception.

"Currently, the research team are working on projects that have emerged from the findings, I have also secured a book contract with Routledge based upon the initial research.  My fellow researchers will contribute to the book entitled Listening to young children’s voices: Reflections and Impact on Policy, Practice and a sustainable future."  

Read the article here.



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