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Explore the creative potential of AI in a trio of events celebrating the Lumen Prize Arts

Computer vision for artists and designers

Explore the creative potential of AI in a day celebrating the outputs of the School of Creative Industries' Lumen Prize artists, on Wednesday 17 July, including a workshop, talk and exhibition.  

Inaugural Lumen Prize Arts Residency at the School of Creative Industries

Sarah Selby is the inaugural Lumen Prize artist-in-residence at the School of Creative Industries through a partnership between the School and the UK based Lumen Prize, an annual prize that celebrates the very best art created with technology and champions the innovative possibilities of technology-driven creativity. Sarah was the recipient of the Interactive/3D Lumen Prize 2023. Sarah has spent one month ‘in residence’ at the Art School developing her project ‘Tasker’.

Dr Denise Doyle, Reader in Digital Media, is currently working with the Lumen Prize as part of their International Selection Committee. The Lumen Prize Arts Residency initiative is set to bring artists to the University in future years to further enrich the creative student experience and vitalise the research environment of the School of Creative Industries.

Artist-led workshop: Computer Vision for Artists and Designers

  • When: 17 July, 10am-12 noon, midday
  • Where: George Wallis Building, City Campus, room MK513

Sign up here

Are you curious about the creative potential of artificial intelligence?  Interested in developing your own interactive artworks which use computer vision to sense and respond to their surroundings? 

Join artist-in-residence Sarah Selby and collaborator Rod D for an interactive workshop to learn the fundamentals of machine learning.

Discover the creative applications of computer vision and explore how artists and designers are integrating machine learning into their practices. Participants will gain foundational knowledge of how computers interpret the world, including how to train your own computer vision model using Google’s Teachable Machine.  

Open to all, no prior experience needed. 

Behind the Curtain: Revealing the Human Labor Powering AI: presentation followed by gallery tour 

  • When: 3.30pm
  • Where: Millenium City Building, City Campus, room MC419
  • Booking not required 

Explore the unseen human labour that fuels AI technologies through a creative lens, using the interactive artwork "Tasker" to reveal how behind every AI's apparent autonomy lies the meticulous work of countless human contributors.

Explore the themes and concepts behind the new prototype ‘Tasker’, an interactive installation by artist-in-residence Sarah Selby and collaborator Rod D. ‘Tasker’ illuminates the often-invisible labour that underpins artificial intelligence. This presentation will delve into the human workforce driving today’s smart technologies, discuss why humans are naturally born cyborgs, and examine how we are increasingly becoming extensions of the technologies we interact with daily. The discussion will be followed by an artist-led tour of the exhibition.

Sarah Selby is the inaugural Lumen Prize artist-in-residence at the School of Creative Industries through a partnership between the School and the UK based Lumen Prize, an annual prize that celebrates the very best art created with technology and champions the innovative possibilities of technology-driven creativity. Sarah was the recipient of the Interactive/3D Lumen Prize 2023.

Tasker exhibition opening

  • When: 5pm, 17 July,
  • Where: Millenium City Building, City Campus, MC gallery space

‘Tasker’ is an interactive installation by artist-in-residence Sarah Selby and collaborator Rod D that highlights the hidden human labour behind artificial intelligence. It reimagines the 1997 battle between champion chess master Garry Kasparov and IBM’s chess-playing computer Deep Blue - a pivotal moment in the development and public perception of artificial intelligence.

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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