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Enrol now for academic year 2024/25


Online enrolment for academic year 2024/5 is now open

We hope that the exam and assessment period has gone well, and that those of you who are joining us next semester are enjoying a well deserved summer break before returning to your studies. We look forward to welcoming you back. 

In readiness for the next academic year you can now enrol on your course. As a returning student you to need to re-enrol before the start of your studies each year.  It's a good idea to get this done as soon as possible to avoid delays, and to ensure you can access your timetable and course material material and, if applicable, to ensure you receive your student loan at the earliest opportunity.   

Enrolling online is easy. In e:Vision click on 'Enrolment and Module Registration' to to enter and confirm your personal information and the details of your course and fees, some of this information will be pre-filled. Once you've reviewed and completed all the enrolment tasks the tabs will turn green. To help you prepare, you can watch the below helpful step by step video guide. 

Enrolment guide video thumbnail

Please note - returning students will not need to show face to face ID on campus. 

Should you need any help with your re-enrolment or have any other queries about your course or support from the University, you can log a help call on e:Vision, call ASK@WLV for support on 01902 518 518, or drop in to visit one of the on campus helpdesks. Please note that the City Campus helpdesk has been temporarily relocated to the ground floor of the Housman (MX) Building until October. Closer to the start of term there will be dedicated Enrolment Hubs on campus offering support with enrolment queries.

For further information and FAQs, please visit the Enrol Online web page at

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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