School of Nursing

PG Cert Non-Medical Prescribing for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals

PG Cert Part-time 1 year

The course takes place over three semesters leading to 60 level 7 credits and a Post Graduate Certificate Award in Non-Medical Prescribing and is validated by the NMC and HCPC. 

The course takes place over three semesters leading to 60 level 7 credits and a Post Graduate Certificate Award in Non-Medical Prescribing and is validated by the NMC and HCPC. 

PG Cert
Start date(s)
12 May 2025,8 September 2025
Course specifications
Course length
Part-time (1 year)
Campus location
University: Walsall Campus,University: City Campus
UCAS points calculator

Why choose this course?

This course includes 2 modules: the first develops your physical health assessment and diagnostic skills and then the second qualifies you as an Independent and Supplementary Prescriber.  The course takes place over three semesters leading to 60 level 7 credits leading to a Post Graduate Certificate Award in Non-Medical Prescribing and is validated by the NMC and HCPC.  

Please email with any questions you have regarding this course. 

What happens on the course?

In the first semester you will undertake the module Postgraduate Credit Developing History Taking and Physical Assessment for the Adult Patient/Client (7NH035: level 7- 20 credits) and in the second and third semesters you will undertake the double module Postgraduate Credit Non-Medical Prescribing for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (7NH094: level 7 – 40 credits), commonly known as the V300.

The first module enhances your knowledge of identifying physical health concerns in assessment of adults which is essential within any prescribing episode and then the second module combines study of pharmacology and prescribing practice to meet the requirements for Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (V300) standards identified by the NMC and HCPC.

You will need to be a registered practitioner whose regulatory body (the NMC or HCPC) allows for annotation as an Independent and Supplementary Prescriber (V300).  You should be in a role that requires prescribing, and you will need support from your employer and prescribing leads as part of the admission process. 

If you have evidence of assessment and diagnostic skills (either from a previous course or from your line manager) and do not need the extra level 7 credits this would accrue, we suggest you undertake the standalone module 7NH094 Postgraduate Credit Non-Medical Prescribing for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals

You will need to be a registered practitioner whose regulatory body (the NMC or HCPC) allows for annotation as an Independent and Supplementary Prescriber (V300).  You should be in a role that requires prescribing, and you will need support from your employer and prescribing leads as part of the admission process. 

Study 7NH035 at Walsall (semester 1 and 3 starts) and City (semester 2 start) campuses and then follow on with 7NH094.  The course is validated by the NMC and HCPC.

The course is delivered over one academic year (3 semesters) and follows a set diet: 

Semester 1 

Semester 2 

Semester 3 

7NH035 Developing History Taking and Physical Assessment Skills for the Adult Patient/Client (20-credits) 

7NH094 Non-medical Prescribing for Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (40-credits) 


Course Modules

Potential Career Paths

This course contributes to your advancing clinical role and supports your development as a prescriber.

You could progress to a full MSc programme using our recognition of prior learning process. Please note: If progressing to the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, you will be required to compete the ACP Health Assessment module. 


Additional Information

Everything you need to know about this course!

  • The course provides the opportunity for you to study in a multi-professional environment which will develop your understanding of differing professional contexts and offer you a career developing qualification to enhance your patient’s care.
  • It will build on and extend your ability to deliver a full episode of care by supporting patients’ timely access to treatment with medicines, enabling choice whilst helping to reduce waiting times, reduce hospital admissions and maximising the wider skills of the healthcare team.
  • Established links with NHS and private sector organisations across Birmingham and the Black Country.
  •  Well-established health assessment and non-medical prescribing courses.

The course is designed to develop a range of clinical and academic skills, including:

  • Independent learning and self-management.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Communication of complex concepts.
  • Application of theory to your clinical role.

Postgraduate Loyalty Discount:

You can get 20% discount on a taught postgraduate course if you’re a University of Wolverhampton Graduate.

The University offers a generous 20% Loyalty Discount to students progressing from an undergraduate programme to a taught postgraduate on-site programme, where both courses are University of Wolverhampton Awards.

There is no time limit on how long ago you completed your degree as long as this is your first Masters level qualification.

The discount applies to the first year of enrolment only. Students who receive a loyalty discount are not entitled to any further tuition discount or bursary. For full terms and conditions click here.


If you are paying for the fees yourself then the fees can be paid in 3 instalments: November, January and April. More information can be found by clicking here.

Sponsored - Your employer, embassy or organisation can pay for your Tuition fees:

Your employer, embassy or organisation agrees to pay all or part of your tuition fees; the University will refer to them as your sponsor and will invoice them for the appropriate amount.

We must receive notification of sponsorship in writing as soon as possible, and before enrolment, confirming that the sponsor will pay your tuition fees.

Financial Hardship:

Students can apply to the Dennis Turner Opportunity Fund for help with course related costs however this cannot be used for fees or to cover general living costs.

Charitable Funding:

You might also want to explore the possibility of funding from charitable trusts; please see the following websites Association of Charitable Foundations, Directory of Social Change or Family Action. Most charities and trust funds offer limited bursaries targeted to specific groups of students so you will need to research whether any of them are relevant to your situation.

You can find more information on the University’s Funding, cost, fee and support pages.


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