If you have a keen interest in the English language or in language in general and you want to develop your employability skills, this is the course for you. On this four-year degree course, you will spend the penultimate year on a work placement of your choosing. In the first two and final years, you follow the curriculum of the main BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics degree. You will study a wide variety of language-related issues in great depth: topics such as language and gender identity; accents and dialects; code-switching in bilingual families; style in literary and non-literary texts; conversational interaction; digital communication; and language and the mind. Studying in a stimulating and multi-cultural environment and by means of high-quality teaching and a flexible, responsive and vocationally relevant curriculum, you will be introduced to key theories and frameworks in the discipline of linguistics. You will develop a range of subject specific and transferable skills, higher order conceptual and communication skills, linguistic analytical skills, enterprise, digital literacy and IT awareness, all of which are of immense value in graduate employment.