Tom Martin

Year of Graduation: 2013

  • Course BSc Architectural Design Technology
  • School School of Architecture and Built Environment
  • Nationality British
  • Career industry Construction
  • Current job title Project Director
  • Current Company Key Land Capital

Believe in yourself. The biggest battle you will have in life is with yourself. This industry is challenging but have faith in your abilities. Keep everything simple. Forge your own path, nobody will do it for you.

Andrew Cunningham (lecturer) was very inspiring as well as all the other lecturers and support staff. The University was welcoming and easy to navigate. I started my degree at the age of 23 so quite late but fortunately, in my interview, I was given the chance to improve my circumstances and I am eternally grateful for that person seeing in me what I was capable of. I made great memories and great friends. My favourite memory was completing a hand drawn technical perspective drawing and feeling like I was developing my dream skills.
Going to the University helped me access an industry that seemed very difficult to enter. To learn what I did and to achieve my degree opened doors that were simply closed before. I came out of my degree during a recession a had to work for free to gain some experience but I would have struggled obtaining my first role without the degree behind me. I had a quick rise through the industry due to economic growth and gradually honed my skills as an AT but found myself drawn into other areas. What’s great about this career and industry is that you can make it your own, just don’t be scared to follow what’s right, and to believe in yourself.
Bringing in development opportunities. Overseeing planning applications and directing consultants. Developing tender packages and value engineering. Technical knowledge of building control, warranties and generally overseeing a development from inception through to completion. Each site is unique in the set up, status, and deliverability and each had its own hurdles to surpass. We have to adapt, persevere and overcome with creativity.
To date, my career highlight is setting up my own consultancy company and taking a big leap to go out on my own. I still feel I have more to come and I believe in always moving forward. Never stagnate on achievements of expectations, just keep moving forward.
Allow it all to sink in and soak up the virtue provided. It will all make sense the more you are exposed to in your career. Enjoy the time and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Learn about model making and just throw yourself into the experience.