Module Description
A module description is a document that gives a brief description of each module the student/graduate completed, subject to availability.
A module description costs £15.
We cannot produce module descriptions for modules studied before September 1992.
You may request module descriptions for study completed from September 1992 onwards via the University e:Store. Please note that applications will not be processed without proof of identity.
Please note - Once we have received your ID, allow 30 days for us to process your request If you have studied at an overseas partner college there could be a short delay in processing your request whilst we check the financial status with regards to your student account. If you have an outstanding debt then no documents will be issued until we have received confirmation that this debt has been cleared.
You may contact Graduate Services for further information about our services.
Documents can also be sent to third parties, eg. employers, institutions, verification agencies. You should include their address in the special instructions when making the request.
Where we are unable to provide the necessary information, we will contact you regarding your enquiry and every attempt will be made to ensure sufficient information is provided to assist with your request.