Professor Maharaj Vijay Reddy
Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange) for the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences
- Email address vijay.reddy@wlv.ac.uk
- Phone number 01902 321560
- Location University of Wolverhampton Mary Seacole Building (MH115) Nursery Street WV1 1AD UK
- Institute School of Social, Historical and Political Studies; University of Wolverhampton Business School; University of Wolverhampton Law School; Wolverhampton School of Art; Wolverhampton School of Sciences
- Areas of expertise
- Strategic Management
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Research Methods
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Sport Management
As Professor and Associate Dean, Vijay strategically leads Research and Knowledge Exchange activities for the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences. The Faculty is home to 10 successful Research Centres and about 200 PhD students. In REF 2021, the Faculty submitted to 9 Units of Assessments (UoAs). With 306 staff, the Faculty is comprised of four distinct academic schools: 1) The new School of Creative Industries, 2) The University of Wolverhampton Business School, 3) Wolverhampton Law School, and 4) School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Professor Reddy works closely with the Faculty Dean and PVC, other Associate Deans, Directors/Heads of Research Centres, Heads of Schools, Directorate of Research & Enterprise Services and the Doctoral College, and other senior leaders within wider university to advance and implement the faculty’s Research and Knowledge Exchange strategy whilst developing and supporting many Early Career Researchers.
In terms of memberships, Professor Reddy serves on the University of Wolverhampton Research Committee, University Ethics Sub-Committee, Doctoral College Advisory Board, REF UoA Coordinators Committee; and he leads/chairs the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty Ethics Committee, Faculty Research Students Board, and PGR Awards Sub-Committee.
As Professor of Sustainable Development, Vijay’s contributions have attracted the attention of practitioners, peers, professional associations, and some of the international policy agencies driving sustainability practices, business resilience and poverty reduction around the world (e.g., United Nations Division for Sustainable Development, UNESCO, and the Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission, UNITAR, UNWTO, and UNEP Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch).
As principal investigator and co-investigator, Vijay’s inspiring projects that fit under the broader theme of sustainable development were commissioned by a range of national and international organizations, including UNESCO (2002-03), Rufford Foundation (2002), Royal Geographic Society (2004), UNESCO (2005), British Academy (2007), British Academy (2009), Higher Education Innovation Fund (2010-12), Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation (2013), British Council (2015), British Council (2019-2022), PRME (2023), PRME UK & Ireland Secretariat (2023-26), and others.
Some of Vijay’s challenging projects focussed on both natural and human-driven disasters and crises (e.g., 2004 Asian earthquake and tsunami, 2011 Japanese tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disasters, Northern Ireland post-conflict recovery, and protracted Kashmir conflict).
Furthermore, he engaged with a range of companies in the UK (e.g., TUI) and other countries such as Ukraine and India. He has also developed enterprise and Exec Education initiatives (e.g., Armed Forces), besides contributing to Help to Grow Management courses, and developing Senior Leader Apprenticeship modules.
In terms of publications, Vijay has led edited Books for Routledge, with many research articles published in peer-reviewed international journals (CABS 3-4*) as well as in high-impact sources, such as UNEP-WCMC, UNESCO, and The World Financial Review.
His expert views / interviews appeared in several broadcast media sources such as the BBC TV, Sky Tv News, BBC Radio, ITV, United Nations (Web TV), and print media (e.g., Airports International, Asian Voice, and Arabian Business).
Currently, he is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), and serves as a member of the International Committee of the Chartered Association of (UK) Business Schools.
Vijay's interdisciplinary research interests focus on Disaster Management and Recovery following Natural and Human-driven Disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, terrorism and conflicts; Sustainable Business, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility; Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality; and the socio-economic aspects of Aviation and Space Tourism.
- Member of the International Committee, Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)
- Senior Fellowship of the Advance HE – SFHEA
- Member, Chartered Management Institute – CMI (P04798630)
- External Examiner, Hull University Business School (Sep 2020-Aug 2024)
- External Examiner, Ulster University Business School (Sep 2020-Aug 2024)
- Visiting Professor, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland (Sep 2019 – Aug 2024)
PhD (University of Exeter UK)
Masters in Tourism Administration (Pondicherry University India)
BA in History (University of Madras India)
- Reddy, M.V. and Wilkes, K (2015) (Eds) ‘Tourism in the Green Economy' Oxford: Routledge (366 pages; http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415709217/ ). (with endorsements from United Nations HQ, UNESCO, UNEP and European Commission).
- Reddy, M.V. and Wilkes, K (2012) (Eds) ‘Tourism, Climate Change and Sustainability'. Oxford: Routledge (312 pages; https://www.routledge.com/Tourism-Climate-Change-and-Sustainability/Reddy-Wilkes/p/book/9781138109117 ) (with forward note from UN World Tourism Organisation).
Journal Articles / Book Chapters / Reports:
- Boyd, S., Reddy, M.V, Kulshreshtha, and Nica, M (2023). ‘Post-Conflict Tourism Opportunity Spectrum (POCTOS): a framework for destinations recovering from conflict’. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Vol 31, Issue 1 (CABS 3*; DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09669582.2021.1993866?src= ).
- Reddy, M.V. (2021). ‘Up to 46 million jobs at risk: the catastrophic downturn of the global aviation industry and reflections for a sustainable post-Covid19 recovery’. Coventry University Research Blog (http://blogs.coventry.ac.uk/researchblog/up-to-46-million-jobs-at-risk-the-catastrophic-downturn-of-the-global-aviation-industry-and-reflections-for-a-sustainable-post-covid19-recovery/ ).
- Reddy, M.V, Boyd, S and Nica, M (2020). ‘Towards a post-conflict tourism recovery framework’. Annals of Tourism Research. 81 (CABS 4*, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2020.102940 ).
- Reddy, M.V. (2020). ‘Reigniting tourism in post-conflict areas’. Innovate Magazine. Research and Enterprise at Coventry University. Published by Coventry University (Pg. 8, https://www.coventry.ac.uk/globalassets/media/global/08-new-research-section/j804-19_innovate-magazine-2019_v25_final-web-low-res.pdf)
- Ishwaran, N and Reddy, M.V. (2018) ‘Tourism and Science: Research, Knowledge Dissemination and Product Innovation'. In Fayos-Sola, E and Cooper, C (Eds) ‘The Future of Tourism' (ISBN: 9783-319-899404). London: Springer.
- Reddy, M.V. (2018) ‘Space Tourism: opportunities and challenges of an emerging industry'. In New Vistas, University of West London Journal. (pp 40-46 ; https://www.uwl.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Departments/Research/Vistas/Web/PDF/uwl_new_vistas_0302_reddy.pdf ).
- Hannam, K and Reddy, M.V. (2016) ‘Ecotourism as the Focus of Neoliberal Tourism Project in India'. (Book chapter) In Mosedale, J.T, Neoliberalism and the Political Economy of Tourism (pp 89-98). London: Routledge.
- M.V and Wilkes, K (2015) ‘Tourism in the Green Economy: Rio to Post-2015' (pp 3-31). In Reddy, M.V and Wilkes, K., ‘Tourism in the Green Economy'. London: Routledge.
- V, with Dickinson. J, Robbins. D and Reddy, M.V. (2013). ‘The role of 'indirect' greenhouse gas emissions in tourism: assessing the hidden carbon impacts'. Journal of Transportation Research (Part A). Vol 54, pp 78-91. (CABS 3*).
- Reddy, M.V (2013) ‘Global Tourism and Travel Industry: Performance During the Double-Dip Recession and Recommendations for Transition to a Green Economy'. The World Financial Review. Jan-Feb Edition (pp 26-31).
- M.V Reddy, and Wilkes, K (2012) ‘Tourism and Sustainability: Transition to a Green Economy' (pp 3-23). In Reddy, M.V and Wilkes, K., ‘Tourism, Climate Change and Sustainability'. London: Routledge.
- Reddy, M.V, Nica. M, and Wilkes, K (2012) ‘Space Tourism: Research recommendations for the future of the industry and perspectives of potential participants'. Tourism Management. Vol 33, Issue 5 (pp1093-1102) (CABS 4*).
- Reddy, M.V. (2011) ‘Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Local Development: Book Review'. In Journal of Heritage Tourism. Vol 6, Issue 1, pp 85-85.
- Reddy, M.V. (2011) ‘A Critical Review of Environmental Impact Assessment of Tourism: Life Cycle Assessment as a New Approach', Journal of Sustainable Tourism (with Filimonau*. V, J, and Robbins.D), Vol 19, Issue 3, pp301-324 (CABS 3*).
- M.V. (2010) ‘Post-tsunami Mangroves of Andaman and Nicobar Islands' (pp 92-94). In Spalding. M, Kainuma. M, and Collins. L (Eds) World Atlas of Mangroves, Published with ISME, ITTO and project partners FAO, UNESCO-MAB, UNEP-WCMC and UNU-INWEH. London: Earthscan. ISBN 9781844076574.
- Reddy, M.V. (2009) ‘World Heritage Selection in Sensitive Destinations'. Journal of Heritage Tourism. Volume 4, Issue 4 (pp 267-285).
- Reddy, M.V. (2008) ‘Strategies for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction in Context of Climate Change and Comprehensive Security: the case of the Andaman Nicobar Islands' (pp1-5). Supplied to UNITAR Sea and Human Security 2008 Series (for providing training to Government officials from the Asia-Pacific Member States). UNITAR Hiroshima.
- M.V. (2008) ‘Sustainable Tourism Rapid Indicators for Less-Developed Islands: An economic perspective'. International Journal of Tourism Research. Vol.10, No.6 (pp 557-576) (CABS 2*).
- Reddy, M.V. (2008) Book Review: Tourism and climate change mitigation: methods, greenhouse gas reductions and policies (Paul Peeters, Editor). Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol.19, No. 2. (pp 379-381).
- Reddy, M.V. (2008) Book Review: Critical Issues in Ecotourism: Understanding a Complex Tourism Phenomenon (James Higham, Editor). Tourism Analysis, Vol 13, 5&6.
- Reddy, M.V. (2007) ‘Twinning Cities between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Thailand: a case study of controversy' (pp 93-104). In Cochrane, J (Eds) Asian tourism: Growth and Change. Oxford: Elsevier.
- M.V, Shaw. G, and Williams, A.M. (2006) ‘Impact of the Tsunami on Tourism Industry and Ecosystem: the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India' (pp 1-60). In South-South Cooperation Series - Working paper Nr: 36. Paris: UNESCO Publications. Available online: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000178632 ).
- M.V. (2005) ‘Tourism industry in the aftermath of the Tsunami: the case of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands: Commentary'. Current Issues in Tourism Vol.8, No.4 (350- 362).
- Reddy, M. V. (2004) ‘Community based sustainable ecotourism: the case of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' (pp 1-7). A report to the Royal Geographic Society. London.
- Reddy, M.V. (2003) ‘Plight of the sea nomads of Surin Islands, Thailand: A Comparative Socio-Cultural Analysis in relation to the nomadic ‘Shompen' tribes of the Great Nicobar Island, India' (pp 1-10). A report to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris
- Reddy, M. V. (2003) ‘The Selection of World Heritage Sites in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' (pp 1-50). A report to the World Heritage Centre, UNESCO, Paris.
Keynotes and Selected ‘Academic’ Conference Papers:
- Reddy, M.V. (2023) Invited panel speaker / keynote on “Pathways to strengthen business recovery and resilience following crisis and disasters”) at the 10th Annual Conference of the UK and Ireland PRME, 26-28 June, Aston University Business School. For details: https://www.unprme.org.uk/post/prme-uki-conference-and-colloquium-2023-delegate-bookings-now-open
- Reddy, M.V. (2023) Keynote on “Managing Crisis and Disasters: Addressing the Gaps in Management Education to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals”. 4th International Conferenceon Sustainable Development Goals & Management Practices (3-4 Feb 2023), Lovely Professional University, Jaladhar, Punjab, India.
- Reddy, M.V. (2022) Panel Discussion speaker on “Sustainability education: innovations in pedagogy and teaching practice”, at the 2022 Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) Annual Conference, 7-8 November, London.
- Reddy, M.V. (2022) Keynote on “Alternative tourism for a more sustainable and resilient future: Green Economy pathways”. 2nd Edition of the Tourism and Hospitality International Conference(THInC 2022), 4th October. Lusofona University of Humanities and Technologies (UNIVERSIDADE LUSOFONA, Lisbon), Portugal. For details: http://www.thinc.pt/
- Reddy, M.V. (2022) Keynote on “Strengthening Management Education for Business Resilience & Recovery in Conflict and Disaster Zones” at the 8th Annual Conference of the UK and Ireland PRME, 27- 29 June, Hull University Business School. For details, “Special Session on Business for Peace” ; PRME 2022 Speakers | University of Hull
- Reddy, M.V. (2022) Keynote on “Rebuilding Hospitality and Tourism: How green is the recovery?”. International Conference on Travel, Tourism, Hospitality & Culture-2022 (ICTTHC), 11-12 March. Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Ranchi, India. For details, visit: https://ihmranchi.in/page-international-conference-on-travel#
- Reddy, M. V (2021) “Space Tourism: Exploring the Business Implications and Research Priorities”, CBiS Research Seminar on 3rd November, Coventry University. For details, please visit: https://www.eventsforce.net/cugroup/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=135861&eventID=484&CSPCHD=001001000000Xqb8LXgmi2MZrWdaLtKCR6_9X2eVHO8H$afCsf
- Reddy, M.V (2021) “From the earth to outer space: the inevitable and rapid emergence of space tourism”, chief guest and keynote delivered (online) at the international conference organised by Jagran Lakecity University in Bhopal, India (28-29 June). For details, please visit: https://jlu.edu.in/conferencesoht/ ; Keynote video (40 minutes onwards): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3VykMHGrfY
- Webinar (09.06.2020): “'Building Tourism and Hospitality Sector Resilience in Southeast Asia: Responses to Covid-19 impacts”, LSPR, Jakarta.
- Webinar (02.05.2020): “International Debate on Iran Tourism after COVID-19 Pandemic”.
- Reddy, M.V (2018). Keynote on the “Global Prospects of Space Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Economies" at the International Conference on Tourism for Developing Countries: the path unexplored, Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management - IITTM Noida/Delhi, India (13-15 September).
- Reddy, M.V (2016). "Space Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities of a Contested Industry". Conference paper presentation at the 6th Asia-Euro Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy International Conference, IITTM Gwalior, India (9-12 November).
- Guest Speaker for the ‘Oath Project Event 2015’ and meeting with the students on the BA (Hons) International Business course at the Nottingham Business School (23 April 2015).
- Keynote presentation on "Socio-economic revival and peace building in Kashmir through tourism", at the Vice-Chancellors' Consortium (1-2 Nov 2014; Istanbul, Turkey). This consortium was attended by 8 Vice Chancellors of Universities, civil societies and media from both sides of Line of Control - India and Pakistan. The event was organised by Conciliation Resources London.
- Keynote speaker for an international conference in New Delhi (Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute attached to the Indraprastha University; 12-15 Feb 2014) (Keynote topic: Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Tourism and Hospitality).
- Keynote speaker for an international conference at the Pondicherry University, India (18-21 Feb 2014) (Keynote topic: Tourism and Natural Disasters: Lessons from the 2004 Asian and 2011 Tohoku tsunamis).
- Keynote speaker (via video conference) on ‘World Heritage and Tourism' at a conference organised by the Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao (21 March 2013).
- Reddy, M.V, and Saini, P (2013) ‘Space tourism prospects and perspectives of potential consumers from fast developing countries: a case study from Mumbai, India'. Paper presented at the Inaugural India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference: Examining and Debating Trends, Challenges and Issues. 28 Jan- 1st Feb, New Delhi.
- Reddy, M.V, Nica. M, and Wilkes, K (2011) ‘Space Tourism: Demand and motivational perspectives of potential participants in Southwest England'. Paper presented at the Inaugural India International Hotel, Travel & Tourism Research Conference: Examining and Debating Trends, Challenges and Issues. 19- 22 January, New Delhi.
- Reddy, M.V (2009) Socio-economic revival, through effective crisis management and tourism marketing strategies, in small islands impacted by natural disasters: a conceptual approach. Paper presented at the Third Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, 6-9 September, Bournemouth University.
- Reddy, M.V. (2009) Identification of World Heritage Sites in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Lessons learned and directions for future research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Heritage in Asia: Converging Forces and Conflicting Values, (8-10 Jan), National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Attended and moderated a few sessions at the "Education for Sustainable Development Conference", 10-11 September 2009, Bournemouth University
- Reddy, M.V. (2008) Sustainable Tourism Rapid Indicators: An economic perspective. Paper presented at the World X Islands Conference (24-29 Aug), Cheju Island, Korea.
- Reddy, M.V, and Fyall, A (2008) Evolving Socio-economic Recovery and Sustainable Tourism Revival Models for Small Islands: A Case Study of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Paper presented at the International Conference on Re-examining Disaster, Recovery and Reconstruction: Social Science Perspective on Tsunami (14-15 January), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
- Reddy, M.V. (2007) Sustainability Indicators: Lessons from the Andamans, paper presented at the Tourism Seminar (15 March), Université du Littoral, France.
- Reddy, M.V. (2006) ‘Sustainable Tourism Rapid Indicators'. Paper presented at the Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference (29 Aug - 1 Sep), London.
- Chair and organiser for the session on ‘Island Tourism and Sustainability' at the Royal Geographic Society Annual Conference 2006 (29 Aug - 1 Sep), London.
- Reddy, M.V. (2006) ‘Disaster and Sustainable Development Challenges Facing Tourism in SIDS: A. Case Study of Andaman Islands'. Paper presented at the Tourism and the New Asia Conference (9-12 August 2006), Peking University, Beijing, China.
- Reddy, M.V. (2006) ‘Twinning cities - Port Blair and Phuket: a panacea for tourism development or delusion for antagonism?', Paper presented at the Tourism in Asia Conference (10-12 June), Leeds Metropolitan University.
- Invited Guest Lecture on the ‘Revival of Tourism in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: a post-Tsunami perspective', at the International Institute for Culture, Tourism and Development, London Metropolitan University. 26th
- Reddy, M.V. (2004) ‘Evolving Tourism Sustainability Indicators for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India'. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers' 100thAnnual Conference, Mar 13-19, Philadelphia, USA.
Vijay engaged with several leading companies (e.g., TUI Group, British Airways, and Cox & Kings New Delhi) and many SMEs in Dorset, Devon and Cornwall counties, besides developing Exec Education projects including DL MBA for Royal Air Force and the Military.
- PRME UK & Ireland Chapter Secretariat - successful application to host the Secretariat (2023 - 2026). This competitive 3 years successful initiative to set up the Secretariat came with PT salary for an Administrator, to be based at Birmingham City University. The PRME UK & Ireland Chapter serves some 96 Business Schools across the UK, and 9 Business Schools from Ireland. The UK & Ireland Secretariat will provide service to the main Global PRME Working Group on Climate Change. Principal Investigator: Professor Maharaj Vijay Reddy.
“Marine Dumping on UK Coastlines: Raising Sustainability Awareness through a Stakeholder-Orientated Experiential Learning Approach” (funded by PRME UK & Ireland, Feb 2023 - Jul 2023). With PI - Dr Pamela Yeow (Birkbeck, University of London), Dr Krish Saha (Birmingham City University), Dr Neil Pyper (Birkbeck, University of London), and Christopher Cornell (Kent Country Council Coastal Waters Working Group & Southern Water Pathfinder Steering Group).
- British Council UKIERI funded project (PI; £199,990; from June 2019 to March 2022) on "Comprehensive tourism revival framework for socio-economic development in post-conflict Kashmir: Lessons from Northern Ireland" (with Prof Stephen Boyd (Ulster), Prof Parkishat Manhas (Jammu, India), and Dr Sandeep Kulshreshtha (IITTM, India). This project funded PhD studentships until September 2022.
- British Council UKIERI funded project (PI; £38,990; 2015) on "Comprehensive tourism revival framework for socio-economic development in post-conflict Kashmir: Lessons from Northern Ireland" (with Prof Stephen Boyd (Ulster), Prof Parkishat Manhas (Jammu, India), and Dr Sandeep Kulshreshtha (IITTM, India).
- Bournemouth University funded fusion project (2014-16) on “Collecting and spreading knowledge on species' distributions and forest disturbance in Indonesia” (PI – Prof Amanda Korstjens, Bournemouth).
- Bournemouth University funded fusion project (2014-15) on ‘Networking and mobility towards consolidation of a multi-stakeholder learning platform enhancing research and professional practice in conservation of primates in Gambia' (PI – Prof Amanda Korstjens, Bournemouth).
- Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation funded research pilot project (PI; March-June 2013) on the impact of Japanese Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and identifying priorities for tourism and socio-economic revival of the communities and local businesses in North East Japan.
- Co-applicant for a project (PI - Prof Adrian Newton (Bournemouth); £201,900; 2010 - 2012) on developing ‘Green Knowledge Economy' Centre, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEIF-4).
- British Academy International Conference Grant to present a paper at the International Conference on ‘Heritage in Asia: Converging Forces and Conflicting Values’, (8-10 Jan 2009), National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Co-investigator for the research project (supported by British Academy; PI: Dr Mark Hampton (Kent); 2007) on ‘Cross-border tourism in Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia’.
- Research project (PI, 2005; supported by UNESCO Man & Biosphere Secretariat, Paris) to assess the ‘Impact of the Tsunami on Tourism Industry and Ecosystem of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India'.
- Research project (PI; 2004; supported by the Royal Geographic Society and British Airways), on ‘Community based Sustainable Ecotourism, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India'.
- Research project (PI; 2002-03; supported by Rufford (Whitley Laing) Foundation for Nature Conservation, London) on ‘The Future of Community Based Tourism in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India'.
- Research project (PI, 2002-2003; supported by UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris) to assess the ‘The Selection of World Heritage Sites in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India'. This project recommended: 1) the Cellular Jail and Ross Island for the World Heritage cultural category and 2) the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve for the World Heritage natural category. As an impact and continuous negotiations of UNESCO with the Government of India, the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve was inscribed in the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves on 28 May 2013. The Cellular Jail was successfully included in the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in April 2014.