Dr Lamprini Mangiorou
Senior Lecturer Programme Director Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
- Email address LinaMangiorou@wlv.ac.uk
- Phone number 01902 321392
- Location MC310
- Faculty Faculty of Education Health & Wellbeing
- Institute School of Psychology
- Areas of expertise
Counselling Psychology, mental health and psychodynamic approaches.
Dr Lamprini Mangiorou is a Senior Lecturer, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and HCPC registered Counselling Psychologist.
Lamprini has over 15 years of experience supporting clients in mental health settings as diverse as Primary and Secondary NHS psychology services, and the third sector. Her clinical practice is integrative, placing primary importance on relational aspects, and drawing on CBT, humanistic and existential approaches, with a particular focus on current psychodynamic models.
Currently Lamprini divides her professional life between clinical and research supervision, and supporting Doctoral Trainees on their journey to accreditation as Counselling Psychologists.
Lamprini’s research interests are focused on qualitative methodologies, dreaming and therapy with dreams, the therapeutic relationship, including intersubjectivity and aspects of countertransference, mental health and social justice issues.
Research supervision
Professional Doctorate Completions
Emily Finney Life after death: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study of men who have experienced a sudden bereavement.
Elizabeth Parker “The sole purpose is for two people to come together and be”: A Thematic Analysis of the impact of therapist attachment on inter-subjectivity when working with clients with complex trauma.
Current supervisions
Georgia Bodfish Childhood sexual trauma: How do women experience a subsequent diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder/borderline personality disorder? An IPA.
Deborah Kinsey The role of self-compassion in reductions in self-criticism for adolescents enrolled in a full-time ballet training programme.
Gabrielle Browne Therapists of the global majority living in the UK: Exploring experiences of ethnocultural countertransference in the intra-ethnic therapeutic dyad.
Gemma West Individuals' experiences of living with a partner in prison.
Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) - Registered Psychologist.
Higher Education Academy - Fellow (FHEA)
DPsych Counselling Psychology
PGCert Higher Education and Professional Practice
PGCert in Integrated Mental Health
BSc (Hons) Psychology
EMDR-Level 1
- Programme Director Doctorate in Counselling Psychology (2021- currently).
- Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology (2017- currently) & Admissions Officer DPsych Counselling Psychology Programme (2018- currently), University of Wolverhampton.
- Deputy Course Lead DPSych Counselling Psychology Programme, University of Wolverhampton (2018-2020).
- Lecturer in Psychology, University of Wolverhampton (2015-2017).
- Primary Care Mental Health Worker, Dudley And Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (2005-2015).
- Counselling Psychologist in Training, Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (2008 - 2010).
- Personal Advisor, St. Martin's Centre for Health and Healing seconded to NHS Walk in Centre (2002-2003).
- Trainee Counsellor, North Birmingham Mental Health NHS Trust (2000-2001).