Dr Anna Kuteleva
Senior Lecturer in International Relations
- Email address A.Kuteleva@wlv.ac.uk
- Phone number 01902 32 3467
- Location MH121
- Institute School of Social, Historical and Political Studies
- Areas of expertise
Energy politics and energy security
International Relations theory
Comparative politics
Qualitative methods
Discourse analysis
I am an interdisciplinary scholar and teacher whose work intertwines international relations, development studies, energy security, and feminist-informed approaches to politics. I hold a PhD in Political Science from the University of Alberta (Canada, 2019). Before that, I studied Comparative Politics at People's Friendship University (Russia, 2012) and International Relations at Shandong University (China, 2012).
My research is focused on the nexus between politics and sociocultural contexts in international relations and develops a cross-disciplinary methodological toolkit around the concept of discursive politics. I have a strong expertise in different models of discourse analysis, content analysis, ethnography, and case studies. My research examines politics in China, Russia, Canada, and the Central Asian region.
International Political Science Association
International Studies Association
2019 PhD in Political Science
University of Alberta – Edmonton, Canada
2012 MA in Comparative Politics
Peoples’ Friendship University – Moscow, Russia
2012 Master in World Politics
Shandong University – Jinan, China
2010 Bachelor of Political Science in Political Science
People’s Friendship University – Moscow, Russia
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Kuteleva, A. and F. Ma (2013). 上海合作组织框架下的中国中亚政策与“软实力”战略 [China’s Central Asia policy and “soft power” strategy within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization]. Journal of Qilu Normal University 6 (28), 46-51.
Books and edited volumes
Kuteleva, A. (2021) Oil as an idea: China’s energy (in)security and relations with petrostates. New York: Routledge.
Tudoroiu T. and Kuteleva, A. (Eds.) (2022). China in the Global South: Impact and Perceptions. Springer Nature Singapore.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Kuteleva, A. (forthcoming in 2023) Gendered multilevel games of Vladimir Putin's regime: Gender-blind by purpose and anti-feminist by default?
Kuteleva, A. (forthcoming in 2023) China’s experiments with social media: Singing along with Xi Jinping about the Belt and Road Initiative
Kuteleva, A., K. Chernilevskaya, P. Salnikova, and E. Shevchuk (2022). An “actually non-existing neoliberalism”? Assembling and reassembling development in the Russian Far East. Europe-Asia Studies.
Kuteleva, A. & S. J. Clifford (2021). Discursive Politics of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Making Gendered Imageries and Narratives Tangible in Securitization. European Journal of International Security, 6 (3), 301-317.
Kuteleva, A. & D. Vasiliev (2020). China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Russian media: Politics of narratives, images, and metaphors. Eurasian Geography and Economics.
Kuteleva, A. & J. Leifso (2020). Contested crude: Multiscalar identities, conflicting discourses, and narratives of oil production in Canada. Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101672.
Kuteleva, A. (2020). Discursive Politics of Energy in EU–Russia Relations: Russia as an “Energy Superpower” and a “Raw-Material Appendage”. Problems of Post-Communism, 67(1), 78-92.
Kuteleva, A. (2015). A critical survey of the field of Comparative Politics. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 29(1), 85-107.
Book chapters
Kuteleva, A. and Tudoroiu, T. (2022) Not the Relationship We Expected: China, Sub-National Actors, and Structural Factors. In T. Tudoroiu and A. Kuteleva (eds). China in the Global South: Impact and Perceptions. Springer Nature Singapore.
Kuteleva, A. (2022) Images and Models of Cooperation with China in the Global South. In T. Tudoroiu and A. Kuteleva (eds). China in the Global South: Impact and Perceptions. Springer Nature Singapore.
Kuteleva, A. and Ivanov, S. (2022) The Sino-Russian Rapprochement through the Prism of the Development of the Russian Far East. In T. Tudoroiu and A. Kuteleva (eds). China in the Global South: Impact and Perceptions. Springer Nature Singapore.
Kuteleva, A. & J. Leifso (under review, 2022). Images of China in Canada’s Discursive Politics of Energy
Varpahovskis E. & Kuteleva, A. (under review, 2022). Framing analysis of discourses around transnational higher education institutions in Kazakhstan: Why do authoritarian regimes import universities?
Policy reports
China Institute at the University of Alberta (2019) China in Canadian Newspapers from January 2015 to May 2018: A Mass Data Analysis. China Institute Occasional Paper Series. URL: https://cloudfront.ualberta.ca/-/media/china/media-gallery/research/occasional-papers/newspapers_paper.pdf.
Kuteleva, A. (2016). China’s food security situation: Key issues and implications for Canada. China Institute Occasional Paper Series. URL: https://cloudfront.ualberta.ca/-/media/china/media-gallery/research/occasional-papers/food-securityanna-kuteleva201604.pdf.
Book reviews
Kuteleva, A. (2019). The Energy Security Paradox: Rethinking Energy (In) security in the United States and China Jonna Nyman Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 vii+ 192 pp.£ 55.00 ISBN 978-0-19882-044-4. The China Quarterly, 1-2.
Kuteleva, A. (2019). The EU, US, and China Tackling Climate Change. Policies and Alliances for the Anthropocene. SOPHIA KALANTZAKOS. London & New York, NY: Routledge, 2017, viii + 170pp., £100.00 h/b. ISBN: 978-1-138-23785-8. Europe-Asia Studies, 75 (5).
Kuteleva, A. (2016). The Geopolitics of Red Oil: Constructing the China Threat through Energy Security. ANDREW STEPHEN CAMPION. London and New York: Routledge, 2016. xx+ 186 pp.£ 95.00. ISBN 978-1-138-95568-4. The China Quarterly, 227, 828-829.
Kuteleva, A. (2021) Xi Jinping’s Chinese dream and Vladimir Putin’s energy superpower: Changes and constants in China-Russia energy relations, Baltic Rim Economies Review, University of Turku. URL: https://sites.utu.fi/bre/xi-jinpings-chinese-dream-and-vladimir-putins-energy-superpower-changes-and-constants-in-china-russia-energy-relations/.
Kuteleva, A. (2021). The coverage of BRI and Sino-Russian “integration of integrations” in Russian newspapers, TRANSFORMATIONS: DOWNSTREAM EFFECTS OF THE BRI, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto. URL: https://munkschool.utoronto.ca/beltandroad/article/the-coverage-of-bri-and-sino-russian-integration-of-integrations-in-russian-newspapers/.
Kuteleva, A. & S. J. Clifford (2021). Gendered Securitization: Trump’s and Putin’s Discursive Politics of the COVID-19 Pandemic. European Journal of International Security blog: https://www.cambridge.org/core/blog/2021/03/30/gendered-securitisation-trumps-and-putins-discursive-politics-of-the-covid-19-pandemic/.
Kuteleva, A. (2012). Социокультурные Факторы Внешней Политики Китая: Центральноазиатское Направление [Socio-cultural Factors in China's Foreign Policy: China's foreign policy in Central Asia]. Moscow: Puls.
Book chapters
Kuteleva, A. (2012). Внешние факторы политической стабильности: Отношения Китая и государств Центральной Азии [Political stability in Central Asia: China's growing influence in the region as an external factor of political stability.], pp. 175-206. In V. Ivanov (Ed.), Политическая Стабильность: Новые Вызовы, Методологические Аспекты, Региональные Исследования [Political Stability: New Challenges, Methodological Approaches, Regional Studies]. Moscow: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Press.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Kuteleva, A. (2022) Множественность феминизма: синтезы локальности и универсальности [The Multiplicity of Feminism: Syntheses of the Local and the Universal]. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 1(24), 16-24.
Kuteleva, A. and Shcherbakov, D. (2021). Восточная Азия на перекрестке сотрудничества и соперничества на региональном и международном уровнях [East Asia at the Crossroads of Cooperation and Rivalry at the Regional and International Levels]. RUDN Journal of Political Science, 2, 5-11.
Kuteleva, A., Chernilevskaya, K., Salnikova, P., and Shevchuk, E. (2021). Свободный Порт Владивосток: Тенденции и Перспективы Развития [Special Investment Regime the Free Port of Vladivostok: Development Trends and Prospects]. Russia and the Asian Pacific Region, 1, 104-124.
Kuteleva, A. (2017). Стратегия энергетической безопасности Китая: Взгляд из Канады [Canada’s views on China’s energy security strategy]. China in World Economy and Politics. Yearbook of Russian Academy of Sciences, 22, 21-32.
Kuteleva, A. (2012). Новый образ Китая на международной арене [China's new image at international arena.] RUDN Journal of Political Science, 4, 14-18.