Enquiry and Website Request GDPR Privacy Notice

The University's central privacy statement for users engaging with the University website and enquirer/applicant systems.

University of Wolverhampton Enquiry & Website Request Privacy Notice

Who we are 

The University of Wolverhampton (‘The University’, ‘we’ or ‘us’) are a ‘Data Controller’, as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018 and are responsible for, and control the processing of your Personal Data. You can contact us at email dataprotection@wlv.ac.uk, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY. Tel. 01902 32 1000. Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at dataprotection@wlv.ac.uk. 

We are committed to protecting your privacy. This notice explains how the University of Wolverhampton collects and processes your Personal Data as an enquirer. You can view our applicant privacy notice here or our apprenticeship applicant privacy notice here 


How We Use Your Data  

Your personal data will be processed by the University for a number of purposes including: 

  • Administrative purposes to process any of the above requests; 
  • Reporting such as enquirer to applicant analysis; 
  • Online analytics such as user-journeys, conversation tracking and website behaviour tracking; 
  • Research activities to assess the impact of University activities; and  
  • Automated decision-making and profiling using machine learning tools to help us automatically process your information to assess the likelihood of application, enrolment, and engagement with other University activities and to help determine that our communications, including requests, invites and opportunities, are relevant and of interest to you. 
  • For marketing purposes to analyse audiences, target similar audiences and retargeting to ensure you see key events and messaging. 

The lawful basis we rely on for processing your information for the above purposes is that we have your consent. If we are processing your information for a new purpose we will always inform you and give you the chance to consent to the processing first.  

We will also process your information to communicate with you for promotion and marketing purposes. We will only do this if you have consented to receiving marketing and we will always choose your preferred method of contact. If you have booked to attend an event or open day we may send you emails such as reminders of the event.  

If you wish to withdraw your consent to any of the above activities you may change your preferences using the ‘manage your communications’ link on every email you receive, or by logging into your account and changing your preferences here. 


Information We Collect 

The vast majority of information that we process about you will be provided by you. This will typically be via our website enquiry form, the live chat platform, on the phone or collected from you at one of our events or when making an event booking.  

Your personal data will be processed: 

  • If you have made an enquiry or registered your interest either via the website, the live chat platform, provided your details on a social media enquiry form, by phone or in person; 
  • If you have made a booking to attend an open day or any other type of event; 
  • If you have requested a copy of a University prospectus; and  
  • If you have completed forms such as event feedback forms or surveys. 


Information provided by you will include details such as your full name, email address and telephone number and your country of residence. We will also ask you information relating to your enquiry, your year of intended entry, level of interest and your subject of interest. The condition we rely on for processing this information is that we obtain your consent on collection.   

We may collect and process Special Category personal data relating to your disability if you are attending an event. The condition we rely on for processing this information is that you have given us your explicit consent.  


Who We Share Your Personal Data With 

Information is shared with relevant departments within the University for the purposes outlined above. In addition, we may receive or share your data from or with the following external parties for the purposes specified below: 


Recipient or Source 

Purpose and type of data 

Lawful Basis 


To facilitate our relationship with you and coordinate our responses to your expression of interest or enquiry using our Customer Relationship Management platform 



To facilitate the booking of an open day or any other event 




To support student recruitment and marketing activities which may include remarketing, data analysis and reporting e.g. surveys and focus groups.  

Legitimate Interests 


To send prospectus/guide upon request or direct mail invites to recruitment events 


Gecko Engage 

To answer questions from enquirers and potential students 

Legitimate Interests 


Your personal data may be shared when necessary with external organisations which process your data to assist with marketing processes and do not process your data for any other purpose. We ensure we have appropriate data processing agreements and contracts in place before sharing your personal data with any data processors. Details of third parties we use for assistance can be found here. 

Sometimes, your personal data is processed by these organisations outside the European Economic Area (for example, because they use a cloud-based system with servers based outside the EEA), and if so, appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data 

We may also share personal details with organisations with enforcement powers such as HMRC or the Police. However, we will only do so if this is required to comply with our legal obligation to disclose information to these bodies. We will only share the minimum amount of personal data with any of the above and will always do so in accordance with the law. 



Your data is retained for three years unless you lodge a request for your information to be erased.  


Your Rights 

As an individual, you have a number of rights available to you including: 

  • Right to request a copy of your information. You can request a copy of all the information which we have about you (this is known as a subject access request).  
  • Right to correct mistakes in your information. You can ask us to correct any mistakes in the information which we have about you.  
  • Right to have your information deleted.  If you no longer want us to hold any information about you, there are a number of circumstances where you can ask us to delete your information. These requests can be made here. 
  • Right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. This means every time we process your personal data we will consider any requests you have made for us not to proceed.  
  • Right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to withdraw your consent. 
  • Right to ask us to transfer your data to another organisation, also known as the Right to Portability. 
  • Right to not be subject to a decision based on automated processing and profiling. 


Requests can be made in writing by email to: dataprotection@wlv.ac.uk 

If you are unhappy with how your data has been handled, you may wish to contact the University of Wolverhampton’s Data Protection Officer via dataprotection@wlv.ac.uk or complain to the ICO via www.ico.org.uk. 


How to Complain 

If you have any queries, concerns or believe that your Personal Data is being handled in a manner which is contrary to statutory requirements, you may wish to contact the University of Wolverhampton’s Data Protection Officer via dataprotection@wlv.ac.uk or complain to the ICO via www.ico.org.uk 


Changes to Privacy Notice 

We regularly review our privacy notice and will review it at least annually. This privacy notice was last updated in February 2024