Security Services Operational Policy and Procedures


Estates and Facilities

Policy and Procedure

The University of Wolverhampton Security Services operates over its four main teaching campuses, these being Wolverhampton: City Centre and Springfield, Walsall and Telford and includes halls of residence. It also has a presence at the University of Wolverhampton Science Park located to the North of the City Centre.

There are approximately 25,000 full-time students and just over 2,200 staff members situated across these areas of the University of Wolverhampton, in addition to a number of visitors and others including contractors who attend site.

 The University Security Service is committed to ensuring, as far as possible, a safe, secure, and friendly environment for all of the University Community whilst on University campuses and all University controlled buildings.  The security service will ensure as far as reasonably possible that: personal safety, protection of personal property, and the control of traffic and parking, in addition to the protection of University buildings and other property is maintained.

In order to achieve safe working practices, the responsibility for security and safety rests not only with the site security team but also with all of the individuals who study, work, reside in, and visit the University.  You are advised to contact the security team as soon as possible, if you witness or are involved in an incident that requires security involvement (section 4 of this policy provides further information on reportable incidences), this will ensure that a collaborative approach takes place, creating a safe environment for all (further guidance and support can be located here: Security Services - University of Wolverhampton (

The security team can be contacted 24/7 at and on 01902 322106, or through the SafeZone app (further details on the app can be located in section 5 of this policy).  Responsibility for calling the Police sits primarily with the security team via our control room, however if there is an imminent threat to life or university property then any person can and should call the Police on 999 immediately.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework and procedures for identifying and dealing with security risk(s) facing the University and its University Community, consisting of staff, students, governors, apprentice learners, visitors and contractors.   This policy will allow the University, in as far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the safety and security of all campuses and the people using these facilities.

The implementation of this policy is in accordance with the University’s core values which are to be:

  • Ethical
  • Respectful
  • Transparent
  • Inclusive and fair
  • Challenging
  • Confident
  • Collaborative
  • Professional

Security Team

Security Services will:

  • Be visible, uniformed, and suitably trained.
  • Offer quality service based firmly on fairness, respect and equality.
  • Respond to and investigate reports of crime committed within the University, within the security remit.
  • Record and follow up all reported incidents on the Incident Recording and Management Systems. (IRAMS) (Incident Reporting - University of Wolverhampton (
  • Assist emergency services when attending the University.
  • When appropriate, make its expertise available to all members of the University.
  • Regularly monitoring CCTV systems including the protection of recordings in accordance with the current Code of Practice (Security Systems - University of Wolverhampton (
  • Provide a 24/7 response to alarm activations.
  • Guard against unauthorised access, vandalism, theft.
  • Give absolute priority to respond to fire alarm activations.
  • Endeavour to reduce the incidents of crime occurring on university premises by way of technology, patrols and education.
  • Maintain effective communication links with the local police service.
  • Undertake security initiatives to raise security and personal safety issues amongst the University community.
  • Monitor security trends, amend associated policies and procedures accordingly and utilise intelligent solutions as they develop to support the University community.
  • Lead on the introduction of crime reduction initiatives, across university premises (for information and support around personal safety on and around campus please see link: Personal Safety - University of Wolverhampton (

All Security Officers are first aid trained and will follow their training when attending any scene. A dynamic risk assessment is done by the Officer at the time to determine next steps.

At all times this service will be carried out in an effective, efficient, and courteous manner which reflects the aims, objectives, and good name of the University.  Security operates 24/7, 365 days per year, and everything is fully documented for cascade as/when needed, either overnight as part of Major Incident Planning, or the next working day if needed.

Security will always be the primary liaison with the Police and security leadership will scrutinise and ensure key university stakeholders are apprised and/or engaged about any relevant activity.

Investigation Process

The investigation process is initiated by security and fully documented on IRAMS by the control room with updates by Officers and security management. All details of the investigation process are documented such as who, what, when, where etc. on IRAMS. Where there is a need to engage with other stakeholders such as Maintenance, Conduct and Appeals, Accommodation and or HR, this will all be documented in the IRAMS report and updates will be given until the matter is no longer in security jurisdiction.

Service Charges

The levels of service charted in this document are free to all members of the University. A charge will be made in respect of services provided above this level.

Constraining Factors

Whilst it is acknowledged that Security Services are primarily responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the University, its community and its buildings and property, given the constraints placed on resources this cannot be achieved without the support and assistance of the University community as a whole.

The University Community

University Community should:

  • Report all security related incidents immediately to security staff. The range of incidents that security will deal with is extensive and varies widely, for example, dealing with fire evacuations, responding to intruder alarms, dealing with access control issues, assisting with first aid incidents, supporting with student and staff welfare issues around safeguarding and PREVENT, thefts, vandalism or criminal damage, exposure to illegal substances, trespassing, violent or abusive behaviour etc.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and if you are unsure of what should be reported please contact security to discuss the matter ( or on 01902 322106)

  • Report any suspicious activities by person(s) on university premises.
  • Report the loss of property belonging to the University.
  • Report any damage to a building or area that may compromise security.
  • Report any changes that occur to existing security arrangements, which may affect security to a building or area.
  • Should be courteous and patient whilst awaiting service from security staff.

The University operates a free ‘app’ based emergency response system ‘Safezone’ as supplied by a partner organisation Criticalarc.

Safezone extends the reach of campus safety and security to cater for the real time needs of those using the campus and provides a quick and easy way for users to alert security services when help or assistance is needed.

Whilst Safezone operates on a tracking system the user is only visible on the system once an alert has been raised or you have chosen the option to check in (for information on how to download the app please see link: Security Services - University of Wolverhampton (

Security staff have the same powers as a typical citizen regarding physical intervention, and the detention of a person or persons, where the use of force is required during their duties.

A Citizen's Arrest is lawful on any person under Section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 for an indictable offence (triable in Crown Court with a jury).

Several examples of indictable offences include:

  • Robbery,
  • Possession of a firearm,
  • Criminal damage,
  • Assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and
  • Possession of an offensive weapon in a public place. 

It is, therefore, lawful for any person to arrest any person without a warrant, under specific circumstances:

  • Anyone who is in the act of committing an indictable offence.
  • Anyone whom the arrestor has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be in the act of committing an indictable offence, or where an offence has been committed.
  • Anyone who is guilty of that offence, or whom the arrestor has reasonable grounds for suspecting to be guilty of it. 

For the Citizen's Arrest to be lawful, the following two conditions must also be satisfied:

  • It appears to the person making the arrest that it is not reasonably practicable for a constable to make the arrest instead.
  • The arrestor has reasonable grounds for believing that the arrest is necessary to prevent one or more of the following:
  • The person causing physical injury to themselves or others,
  • The person suffering physical injury,
  • The person causing loss of or damage to property; or
  • The person absconding before a constable can assume responsibility for them.

Use of the second power above ("where an offence has been committed") is more limited than the first as it relies upon the person carrying out the arrest knowing that an (indictable/triable ‘either way’) offence has been committed. It is a common misconception that a member of the public needs to witness the offence before being able to act, which is not the case. 

Triable ‘either way’ offences are offences that can be heard in Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court, on indictment with a trial by jury. These offences include, but are not limited to:

  • Possession of drugs,
  • Possession with intent to supply drugs,
  • Theft,
  • Assault; and

Some of the offences listed above can fall both into indictable or ‘either way’ offences.

Further information can be located here: Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (

Physical Intervention

There is a common misconception that any physical restraint during the course of security-related work is, in some way, unlawful, where necessary, reasonable force can be used in certain circumstances to control or restrain people.

Such examples are where people are at risk of harming themselves, or posing a significant risk to others, or committing an indictable or triable ‘either way’ offence and includes for self-defence.

All members of the Security Services undertake accredited physical intervention training and the use of such, when warranted, is sanctioned by the University.  

All Officers are trained by the SIA (Security Industry Authority) every 3 years. This is recorded electronically by the security management team and is maintained. All licence details are available on the SIA website for security leadership to check and verify.

Code of Practice and Operating Procedures


  • For the purposes of this Code of Practice, the following definitions will apply:
  • University: University of Wolverhampton
  • Scheme/system: The University’s closed circuit television scheme.
  • Body Worn Recording Devices (Images and Sound): Body worn recorded devices do not fall within the classification of CCTV, however, the University will manage all data from body worn recorded devices in line with this code of practice as appropriate.


This Code of Practice is binding by all employees and students of the University of Wolverhampton; all employees of contracted out services and apply to all other persons who may, from time to time, and for whatever purpose, be present on University premises.

Ownership and Operation of the Scheme:

  • The University of Wolverhampton owns the closed-circuit television scheme, which operates at the University.
  • All recorded material is owned by, and the copyright of any material is vested in, the University.
  • The Security Service, whose personnel are employed directly by the University, operate the scheme.


The following principles will govern the operation of the scheme:

  • The scheme will be operated fairly and lawfully and only for the purposes identified by the University of Wolverhampton.
  • The scheme will be operated with due regard for the privacy of the individuals.
  • Any change to the purposes for which the scheme is operated will require the prior approval of University of Wolverhampton in advance.
  • To ensure the security and integrity of the Security Service operating procedures, these will be implemented and amended only with the prior consent of the Security Manager.

Purpose of the scheme:

The purposes of the scheme are as follows:

  • To assist in safeguarding the personal security and health and safety of students of the University, employees of the University, visitors to the University and members of the public passing through University campus and utilising University car parking facilities.
  • To assist in safeguarding property belonging to students of the University, employees of the University, visitors to the University and members of the public passing through University campus and utilising University car parking facilities.
  • Provide improved security of University property.
  • To aid the prevention, deterrence and detection of crime and in this regard to provide evidence for internal disciplinary hearings, the Police and other bodies with prosecuting powers such as HM Customs and Excise and the Health and Safety Executive.

Key objectives:

The key objectives of the scheme are as follows:

  • To prevent, detect and reduce the incidences of crime, in particular theft of property belonging to individuals and to the University.
  • To detect, prevent and reduce offences against the person.
  • To detect, prevent and reduce any instances of criminal activity related to drugs and other illegal substances.
  • To reduce instances of vandalism and other criminal damage.
  • To prevent and enable the University to respond effectively to any harassment and bullying.
  • To improve the efficiency with which the University is able to alert the police to any unlawful activity.

Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)

The University’s scheme will be registered with and governed by the Information Commissioners Office.

  • Recorded material shall be obtained and processed fairly, lawfully and in accordance with this Code of Practice.
  • Recorded material shall be held lawfully and only for the purposes of this Code of Practice.
  • Recorded material shall not be used or disclosed for any purpose, or in any manner, which is incompatible with this Code of Practice.
  • Recorded material shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes set out in this Code of Practice.
  • Where recorded material is retained for any of the purposes set out in this Code of Practice, that material shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is being retained and shall be stored in a secure manner requiring authorised access.
  • Access to recorded material will be permitted strictly in accordance with this Code of Practice and the operating procedures detailed for Security Services.
  • The University will ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to prevent unauthorised access to, the alteration of, disclosure or destruction of any recorded material; and to prevent accidental loss or destruction of such material.
  • Recorded material will not be sold, used for commercial purposes, used for the provision of entertainment or used to provide information or material for research purposes.

Use of recorded material and still images:

  • Where video image is used to identify a particular individual, that individual will be allowed to apply for access to a recording subject to the protection of the interests of other individuals who are on the recording, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Requests can be made via the Information Governance Team by contacting
  • Still photographs will be generated from recordings made by the system only where these are required for evidential purposes by the police or other bodies with prosecuting powers, or by the University. No copies shall be made.
  • Unless required to do so by a court of law, recordings made by the system and/or still images generated from such recordings will not normally be made available by the University to individuals wishing to use them as evidence in any civil litigation.
  • The University of Wolverhampton reserves the right to use a recording made by the system and/or still images generated from such recordings, in any civil prosecution brought by the University.
  • The University of Wolverhampton reserves the right to use a recording made by the system and/or still images generated from such recordings, as evidence in internal grievance/complaints investigations and/or in disciplinary investigations involving students or employees of the University.

Targeted Observation:

  • Where necessary, and in compliance with the declared purposes and key objectives of the scheme and the protocols governing the provision of evidence, the system may be used for targeted observation.
  • No sound monitoring facility is provided with the cameras.

Responsibilities of the Owner of the Scheme:

It is the responsibility of the University, as the owner of the scheme:

  • To ensure compliance with the Code of Practice.
  • To approve and ensure compliance with the operating procedures for the scheme.
  • To notify persons entering areas monitored by the scheme that a closed-circuit television system is in operation.
  • To provide copies of this Code of Practice when requested to do so.

Management of the Scheme:

  • The Security Manager manages the scheme on a day-to-day basis.
  • The Director of Estates and Facilities as the nominee of the Vice-Chancellor is the person of the University designated as having overall responsibility for security matters.
  • Access to the University’s system, the University security control room and access to/release of recordings made by the system, will be strictly in accordance with the operating procedures established by University Security Management


Any installation connected with the scheme will be appropriate to its purposes and to the requirements of this Code of Practice.

When installing cameras that may overlook any residential accommodation, the University will have regard for the privacy of any residents.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

This Code of Practice, its operation and the operation of the University’s system will be reviewed annually by the Security Manager, or a nominated person agreed by senior staff.

Breaches of the Code of Practice:

The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any employee or student who breaches this Code of Practice.

Likewise, it should be noted that any intentional or reckless interference with any part of the scheme (including cameras) may constitute a criminal offence and will be regarded as a breach of University disciplinary rules.

In the event you are not satisfied with the service you receive, please bring your concerns to the attention of the Head of Security, Transport and Fleet on 01902 322710.

If after such consultation, you remain unsatisfied with the response, or the issue remains unresolved please do not hesitate to contact:


Director of Estates and Facilities

University of Wolverhampton

Housman Building

Camp Street



There are no exceptions to this policy.

This Policy was approved by the University’s Executive Board on 26 September 2023.  The University may change this Policy at any time, and where appropriate. Where a policy is not due for review, but is found to require updating, it will remain published, unless the reasons for review render it obsolete.

For general queries, please contact the University of Wolverhampton by email or phone.
Phone: 01902 321000

Security Manager – Christopher Robinson

The University of Wolverhampton, MX Building, Camp Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1LY


For general policy queries, please contact the University Corporate Compliance Team via email:




Head of Security / Director Estates & Facilities

Approved Date

September 2023

Approved By

University Executive Board

Review Date

September 2026