Construction Futures Research Centre (CFRC)

Innovative and agile centre of excellence in Green and Sustainable Construction

Welcome to the Construction Futures 

Construction Futures is an underpinning research theme within the School of Architecture and Built Environment. The research in this area cuts across all of the School disciplines including Architecture, Built Environment, Civil Engineering and Geography. 

Our work shapes and informs decisions, policy and practice, and enhances societal impact globally. Our research findings have led to change in organisational practice, information management systems, and the development of Smart Cities. Going forward, we will build on this to develop safe and sustainable improvement to the Built Environment.

Our Partners: 


City of Wolverhampton Council logo Walsall Council logo Dudley Council logo Sandwell Council logo West Midlands Combined Authority Logo Homes England logo Coal Authority Logo British Geological Survey .logo Environment Agency logo Dunton Environmental Logo Arcadis Logo Arup logo Logo for Mercia Clean Tech Project in blue and yellow