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Clearing campaign up and running for results


The University of Wolverhampton is gearing up for Clearing with new website pages and an advertising campaign outlining courses which still have spaces available.

Clearing offers degree applicants an alternative route for enrolling on a University course when they get their examination results.

Students who are studying for BTEC and Access qualifications have started to get exam results and A Level students will receive their results on Thursday 17th August 2017.

The University’s “Start Here” advertising campaign is running until September, with radio, press and billboard adverts across the Black Country, Shropshire, Stafford and the wider West Midlands.

The new Clearing website pages give detailed information about what courses are available and how students can apply when they receive their results.

Andrew Rigby, a Multimedia Journalism degree student who joined the University in 2016, said: “If I want others to take anything from my story, it’s that even when things don’t go your way and it looks like nothing good is coming, pick yourself up and keep going until you get where you want to be.

“UCAS clearing has literally kept my aspirations of becoming a sports’ journalist on track and living and studying in Wolverhampton makes it much better. So be prepared for your results to not go the way you want because applying for clearing might actually land you in a much better place.”

Katharine Clough, Director of External Relations at the University of Wolverhampton, said: “For individual students, reasons for going through Clearing may vary, but the end goal will be the same – to get that all-important place on a course at the University.

“If applicants have applied through the University & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) there are a number of factors that they need to consider.  They may have applied for a University course and not received an offer, they may have declined places offered to them, they may have missed the deadline for application or they might simply want to change courses or perhaps haven’t achieved the grades they expected.

“Our message is quite clear through our new campaign – don’t panic and seek advice to get back on track for a University place.”

For anyone who already has their results, applications for courses can be started now through our Clearing website.  Call the Clearing Hotline on 01902 518585 or contact us through our Social Media channels Twitter@wlv_uni or Facebook/uniwolverhampton. 

Anyone applying for a course through Clearing can register their interest and arrange a phone call with the University on results day, Thursday 17thAugust. Visit our next Open Day on Saturday 19th August for more information.


For more information please contact the Media Relations Office on 01902 32 2736 or 01902 518647.

Date Issued: 3rd August 2017

For more information please contact the Corporate Communications Team.

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